World of Warcraft :Deathwing the Destroyer

Yep. I reactivated my ad. I've also used the network of people in class and the course. Quite some shares too, as well as on twitter. But for now I leave it at that. I'm a bit of an emotional wreck because I'm juggling more than just this (the room), so I want to calm down first before I start working seriously on a new living space. Nothing good has ever come from hasty decisions. I've got two months, so... I hope it will work out.
VERY satisfied with the overall look so far!












I hope that once I have padding in the biceps, they shift around a lot less. Now they were twisting around a bit. But I'm very very happy with the paintjob on them.

Will upload that process later today if people want :)

Right now I'm researching stilts, because learning to walk in them will take a bit of time, as well as making them. Though I should be able to work on them in my spare hours. I found a wonderful tutorial on instructables and will be using that, though I'll mod the feet to be a little larger for better balance and the ability to stand still. I saw that the WETA studios ones have a bigger foot for that exact reason. The WETA legs look great, but when you see the video with hooves on, it looks ridiculously large. Bit disproportionate to me.

I was also thinking of a way to make the claws move while walking but that might just be a tad too much/too hard. If it's possible, I will try, but the last thing I want is to trip over my own claws because they failed to 'fold' back.
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