Wonder Woman

I remember 10 years ago Joss Whedon was teasing doing a Wonder Woman movie with Morena Baccarin as WW.
I really wanted that to happen, that would have been so much fun. :(
I remember 10 years ago Joss Whedon was teasing doing a Wonder Woman movie with Morena Baccarin as WW.
I really wanted that to happen, that would have been so much fun. :(

Just started reading the script. It's a bit too lighthearted so far (as in, doesn't seem to take the material as seriously as I'd personally like) but enjoyable. :thumbsup
Just started reading the script. It's a bit too lighthearted so far (as in, doesn't seem to take the material as seriously as I'd personally like) but enjoyable. :thumbsup

Where'd you find the script? Can you post a link? I'd be interested in reading it as well.
This is just a rumor, so take it with a grain of salt.
Supposedly, much like Suicide Squad, there is some conflict going on with the direction of the film. No idea what that could mean, whether it be the editing or cut of the movie but it looks like WB is continuing to make the same mistake. Suicide Squad was supposed to be the film to correct the course of the DCCU, and obviously that didn't happen. Is this film the one that will put the final nail in the coffin if it is recieved as poorly?

With a relatively untested director and WB seemingly intent on shooting itself in the foot, can this film be pulled off successfully? Personally? I doubt it. I've held out hope and been let down far too many times at this point.
Awww hell!!! That is why I'm glad I haven't seen any of these WB films! None of them have received my movie ticket monies!

Mr Mold Maker, are there any sources citing these issues? In any case, I'm not surprised really. These films just aren't good enough to compete with even the most mediocre Marvel film.

Hell, BvsS was basically competing with Fantastic Four! (The newest one):sick
Has no one posted this? Open letter to WB from former employee... Doesn't sound promising.


"What are you even doing? I wish to God you were forced to live out of a car until you made a #1 movie of the year. Maybe Wonder Woman wouldn't be such a mess. Don't try to hide behind the great trailer. People inside are already confirming it's another mess. It is almost impressive how you keep rewarding the same producers and executives for making the same mistakes, over and over."
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The director when online to dispute the ex employee thing so..

Not sure why everyone always believes that one "report" from someone all the time. i think some people here just love it when things fail...
The director when online to dispute the ex employee thing so..

Not sure why everyone always believes that one "report" from someone all the time. i think some people here just love it when things fail...

Well, MOS, BVS, and SS all had reports of problems before their release that the directors denied. I remain hopeful about WW, but it's a very muted hopeful, especially after SS.
with how crazy hollywood has become these days?

I'm more likely to believe it's real.

although I didn't get a 'it could be good' vibe off of BvS and SS trailers like I did with WW.


The amount of color alone in the trailers sets a very different tone for Wonder Woman from Man of Steel or BvS.
I'm going to believe it's real... Right now the studio I work at is being dragged through the mud in a similar way for leaving people off credits who didn't complete their contract.

It 100% sounds legit to how the studios are, and aside from saying Wonder Woman may suck, nothing in that article isn't fact.

HOWEVER, it's subjective, and disgruntled employees will spit out the worst. Everyone that quit or got fired from my studio said Sausage Party wouldn't get done and would look like garbage... It may not be your sense of humour, but that movie looks amazing for 20 million budget.
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