Wonder Woman

"I have no father."


"I was brought to life-"


"-by Zeus."


This origin could go either way than! Blast it all to heck.

What were you hoping for? The only version of her origin prior to this that I've ever run across was her mother sculpted her out of clay and she was brought to live and given her powers by various Olympian deities, not just Zeus. It seems a faithful description of her current comic origin...

What were you hoping for? The only version of her origin prior to this that I've ever run across was her mother sculpted her out of clay and she was brought to live and given her powers by various Olympian deities, not just Zeus. It seems a faithful description of her current comic origin...


Actually, it was Hera who granted Hippolyta's prayer for a child. The other Greek gods blessed Diana with various attributes, but it was Hera who initiated the situation.
Seems silly to not do it that way, then. I'd never actually delved too deeply into it, as I have only ever had a peripheral interest in the Justice League. My favorite DC books were Green Lantern, Green Arrow (specifically Mike Grell's run on the book), Booster Gold, Chuck Dixon's Robin, and The Sandman. Most of the attention I've given the Big Three has been the Elseworlds offerings, so I pretty much just have the origin-y stuff that's been absorbed into the zeitgeist.

What were you hoping for? The only version of her origin prior to this that I've ever run across was her mother sculpted her out of clay and she was brought to live and given her powers by various Olympian deities, not just Zeus. It seems a faithful description of her current comic origin...

Faithful description of her current comic origin? Her current comic origin has Hippolyte and Zues having glorious sex with one another and Diana coming in as a literal after thought. Seriously, five pages of Amazon/God sex and only a speech bubble of "But I do love you!" when we cut back to the present. I'd tell you what her original origin was, but Firesprite already covered it perfectly.

My favorite DC books were Green Lantern, Green Arrow (specifically Mike Grell's run on the book), Booster Gold, Chuck Dixon's Robin, and The Sandman. Most of the attention I've given the Big Three has been the Elseworlds offerings, so I pretty much just have the origin-y stuff that's been absorbed into the zeitgeist.

If you don't know much about the history of Wonder Woman, or even care about her character in general, why did you even continue with that discussion? Given that your list of favorite books are all based around male characters, you'll forgive me if I don't sound accommodating to your lack of interest in a thread regarding one of the super rare female lead super hero movies to exist. Cripes, she already has enough going against her as is being associated with a very lackluster and misguided universe already.
If you don't know much about the history of Wonder Woman, or even care about her character in general, why did you even continue with that discussion? Given that your list of favorite books are all based around male characters, you'll forgive me if I don't sound accommodating to your lack of interest in a thread regarding one of the super rare female lead super hero movies to exist.

It was all about the stories. Back in the day, I didn't find much that was overly compelling to me in the DC universe . With my available funding, I collected Rom: Spaceknight, Uncanny X-Men, New Mutants, Excalibur, Wolverine, She-Hulk, Marvel Comics Presents, Transformers, Strangers In Paradise, Bone, ElfQuest, Kabuki, Star Wars, Star Trek... At the time I was looking (circa 1980-1995), the only DC books whose writing I liked were the ones I listed. All of this is irrespective of gender. I did snag a few random issues of other books (again, irrespective of gender) as I caught wind of an issue or story arc that I found worth reading. I like Power Woman, I like Supergirl, I like Cataclysm-Batgirl, and yes, I like Wonder Woman -- but none of them have had good creative teams on long enough for me to seriously collect their books. It was the same problem I had when Chuck Dixon started up the Tim Drake Robin series. It was fantastic for about twenty issues, but then the editorial team decided they didn't like the actual character growth and exploration that was going on in there, put someone else on the book, undid all the complexity that had been added, and turned it into another boring DC book.

For me, too much of the Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Justice League stories are like that. They failed to engage me. I like the characters, which is why I liked finding other avenues that featured them well, since I didn't feel their own regular books did. I would've been fine with Green Lantern being a woman, f'r instance, so that's not it. Frankly, I rather wish they would have a female GL as the central character -- not a gimmick, not part of a larger supporting cast. I think there's potential there... But I also think Marvel got there first and called her Captain Marvel. *heh*

I know Wonder Woman's been done both well and badly over the years. I just don't have the time or patience to sift through it all to find the good stuff.

Chris Pine is started to wear on me. I think the Collider interview with him and Spock really started turning me off of him.

His part in this seems like unneeded comic relief.

The movie looks good but DC has to fire everyone they use to make their trailers. Especially the people who choose the music. Just awful.
Chris Pine as a German? Meh.
Taking place in WW1 and not WW2? I assume to not conflict or confuse people with the Captain America movie.
All that said, I loved the trailer and am looking forward to this!
Chris Pine as a German? Meh.
Taking place in WW1 and not WW2? I assume to not conflict or confuse people with the Captain America movie.
All that said, I loved the trailer and am looking forward to this!

He's.... not. Unless I've missed something, he's playing American.
This trailer has got me pumped and hopeful.
And though I'm excited for the WWI setting, I wonder if they would have used a WWII setting if First Avenger wasn't set in that time? After all, Wonder Woman was created during WWII, and often had her fighting Nazis in her early comics.
I predict WW1 will end with an incomplete resolution that will lead into WW2 some years later, where the sins of the past come back to haunt the principals. Then, depending on the eventual outcome, WW3 -- if any -- could be Earth-shattering...

To tell you the truth, I'm really not interested in this film at all,....Hopefully there will be positive hype closer to the release...bit like Ant-Man,...which I had no intention of seeing either,....but turned out excellent

To tell you the truth, I'm really not interested in this film at all,....

Maybe it'll be like Captain America: The First Avenger.... a decent, somewhat drawn out period origin story (except she won't get frozen) with a sequel that will be way better.
I'm a little guarded about how WW is going to turn out. The only things that impressed me in the trailer is the fighting. They really need to infuse the story with things we couldn't expect. Captain America: The First Avenger is, at face value, a pretty ordinary story but it was infused with a heartfelt theme that was carried by sincere performances of Chris Evans, Hayley Atwell and even Sebastian Stan. What makes the film memorable is those character moments that had us engaged with Steve as a person even before he became cap. I feel the equivalent story, in the hands of DC, would have tried to carry the film on a bombastic and eccentric performance of Hugo Weaving as The Red Skull.

DC really needs to make characters more fleshed out. WW has already established herself as a badass in BvS. This would be a great opportunity to make her more interesting if they can really make her character interesting as a person. I'm not seeing any of that in this trailer but I hope I'm wrong.
I'm a little guarded about how WW is going to turn out. The only things that impressed me in the trailer is the fighting. They really need to infuse the story with things we couldn't expect. Captain America: The First Avenger is, at face value, a pretty ordinary story but it was infused with a heartfelt theme that was carried by sincere performances of Chris Evans, Hayley Atwell and even Sebastian Stan. What makes the film memorable is those character moments that had us engaged with Steve as a person even before he became cap. I feel the equivalent story, in the hands of DC, would have tried to carry the film on a bombastic and eccentric performance of Hugo Weaving as The Red Skull.

DC really needs to make characters more fleshed out. WW has already established herself as a badass in BvS. This would be a great opportunity to make her more interesting if they can really make her character interesting as a person. I'm not seeing any of that in this trailer but I hope I'm wrong.

Can't disagree with much of that chief - though I do think I see some of that. She already looks more accessible, rather than the (story driven) haughty character in BvS. I'm really looking forward to Themyscira - Connie Neilson and Robin Wright I can see infusing the film with decent mentor roles. The fact we see her when she is more naive, and younger (if that can be applied to a 5000 year lifespan) is good.

The "you have been my greatest love" moment looked emotional, a mother watching her daughter go out into a horrible world full of hate (I imagine thats where that happens anyway)

I don't think the heartfelt theme, whatever it ends up as, will be the same theme that pervades and lifts up Captain America. In fact I hope its different. I would think by the very nature of this character, that it would be having compassion, but acting in the face of adversity. Its something I hope they drive home. Of course there are several themes that can be applied to both.

I don't blame you for being guarded though. Even though I'm fairly certain there will be some great stuff in Suicide Squad it doesn't sound like its a perfect film by a long stretch (even I can't defend that, and I haven't seen it!).

I do like the colours in Wonder Woman already. Not an indication but looks beautiful.
I guess the plot will be clearer as things develop? At this point I'm getting that she somehow gets roped into the issues of WWI and ends up taking the side of the Allies and helps out on the battlefield.

I'm curious though. In BvS she makes a statement to the effect of how she lost hope in mankind. Will this movie explain what she meant by that? I assume it's go something to do with how the world of man goes to war for no good reason or something to that effect.

I actually have a pretty hopeful outlook on this one. Far more than BvS, SS, and JL.

The only other DC movie I'm looking forward to being done [again] the right way is another GL movie. Hopefully WW does well enough that WB/DC doesn't give up.
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