[WIP]Shae Vizla, Mark II started! As she now actually appears in SWTOR

Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Thank you :) got my plastic :) a few off cuts of Sintra and a small sheet of clear acrylic.

I may not have mentioned it but I have gold window tint for my visor so I am going to have to test the acrylic and tint soon )

The sintra is to get going on my jetpack (mostly cut but I will use hardware and really good glut to hold it together, I have metal strapping so may use that inside too.

This nay just happen this year after all :)
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

You know that you can recoup pretty much all of the cost of the materials if you make a couple of helmets for sale. One of my 501st Garrisonmates is doing this costume and trying to brainstorm how to do the helmet.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Hi res images:



Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Wow! Those are wonderfully clear! Thanks heaps :) Not that it makes my life any easier it just freaks me the eff out wondering why I chose this...

I have a fairly large noodle so my helmet will fit pretty much most women and maybe even a few men, going my how hard it was to find ex-military stock that fit around my noggin...

I have a Shaak Ti mold, Asarii headpiece and Slave Leia molds I created and they mostly collect dust. Well the Asarii one not so much.... I will definitely invest in a good silicon mold if I know people would be interested. I have been able to compare my work to others and my casting is pretty good.

I have been thinking of making casts of the chest pieces too eventually as they are a better one size fits most as there is no... division of the bust. A through C for sure will fit in there. Still cutting back to be able to get the detail work in there.

I've also been noodling over the electronics. I wnt to be able to have this all in my luggage (and I will be able to get it in luggage, my Slave Leia works as a puzzle in my carry on case and I fit my over a yard long and half hard wide Shaak Ti in a 3/4 by 1/3 yard hard case suitcase. I am very good at packing. I coul have got my Laurel for that alone ;)

Anyway I want to carry it in my luggage but not get pulled out of the queue at security for having suspect wiring ;) For one it'll rely on common battery types so I can travel without them and pick up packs on either side of the Tasman. I'm just debating on leads and lengths and where they go.

Jet pack has been mostly cut :) I want to build it over a light but solid frame and again have it go throw security easily.

And I went a tad nuts trying to work out a profile plan of the big gun she has in the concept and statues. My old icon here was of me as Leia captioned "I like big guns" (and I cannot lie) but it's not my gun. I want one of my own ;)

What else.. ummm Oh yes. There are some parts of her undersuit that seems to have been misinterpretted as metal in the statues. Whcih means I have a dilemma. I have a fabulous faux suede I used for my Leia boots:
mdb- costumes
(ignore me, I know I'm too fat for the costume, focus on the boots further down- but yes all props and costume pieces made by me including VibroAxe)

With some wax that faux suede makes into a great distressed leather look. Which is appropriate for the cinematic and the layers describing the male armour. But I also have shiny silver stretch vinyl which reflects the statues more.

I think I shall just tackle what I know will work for other costume aspects and mull over it for a while.

Thanks for the continued interest :) It helps motivate me to keep going :) I usually keep progress under wraps for fear of failure but failure is part of life and if it is in public then so be it ;)
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

One option you might want to look into for your jetpack frame is an ALICE pack frame, these are pretty light weight and might work for your needs. You should be able to find them in military surplus stores for fairly cheap (I think) but I'm not sure about new, the only down side is that they are metal so that might cause issues with airport x-rays and it also means that the frame can dent and twist which might not be a problem depending on how the shell of the jetpack goes over it.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

planning on doing this for my wife at some point... kind of sad someone beat me to the punch, but it will probably make things a heck of a lot easier now lol.

Fantastic job btw, such awesome work despite the fact that there just really hasn't been a lot of publicity for this costume.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

@Riceball :) Thank you :) I have been debating between making a frame like that from metal strapping that I do have :) I need it to be of specific dimensions so I am either going to have to make my own frame/inner support or add in padding to a slightly smaller existing kind of frame :) Doable either way and you just gave me a new idea :)
I wanted to put a lid in the top but I'm going to hinge the back instead so I can maximise my frame options :)

@Phaeren86 Thank you :) I just got distracted today by an older costume but tomorrow is set aside for working on Shae :)

@Lucien Cane I may not be the first by the time I get this done ;) I want to take it at a pace to get her finished in time though for the next convention here!
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Wow! this is an amazing costume and I'm looking forward tl see how it looks when it's finished.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

I need to get my butt in gear and get back into costume crafting. Have been wanting to make a sith warrior costume like the ones that came out of the shuttle craft that crashed in the Decieved trailer but real life keeps interfering.

mdb I hope your medical problems work themselves out and you are able to complete your costume, its very inspirational.
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Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Awesome high res images Zaxmon!
Mdb, I'm really looking forward to seeing this finished and I know you'll be taking your time to get it done right. The best things come to those that wait!
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Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Thank you all again :)

Today I tested a bought support structure but I tossed it and just made an X frame inside. I figure recessing it a bit means I can put a hinged t=door in the back and I can use each quarter as housing for battery packs for all the lights on the pack.

Little nails and epoxy glue are doing the job now but I will probably also back fill ith fibreglass depending on weight.

The gun is nearly fully cutt :) I need to shorten the main tube but after that I get to clean and glue it all and then start sanding back detail and adding strip detail.

I have photos transferring now but I am about to fall over as I over did it today. But good progress tends to come in fits and starts ;)
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Gun and jetack progress. Sintra and rescued piping cut ready to be sanded and glued then shaped primed and painted.
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Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Just a text update :)

There is cheating going on in the cinematic! Her gauntlet is swiveled to turn the display from aligning with the ulnar to the radius for the close up. Very annoying. So I need to decide on how I will do that myself.

I have most of a gun :) The sintra has been glued and cut and sanded back into a nice shape ready for a coat of resin and details to be added. I'm adding a layer of resin as the foam really is not smooth after sanding. I may get some back with a much finer grit but it's still pretty fuzzy as foamed pvc is wont to be.

The piping has been cleaned of the tape and printing so now it too gets a good sanding ready for assembly. And the scope mounts which make more sense in the mini bust than the concept.

I spent the better part of the evening doing a first template of the knees (mismatched), gauntlet (matched except for the display) belt display, belt pouch, hand guard (matched each side I think) and shoe guard (matched again)

Next up is to get to stage two templates of all (solid card) and also get to work templating the thighs (mismatched) bicep displays and cannisters (sort of matched), shoulder bells (mis matched)

I think once I have everything templated I'll be much happier. At the moment I feel a bit like I'm floundering. Every single piece of her kit is detailed to the nth degree (either being mismatched so I have to do everything rather than mirror one side to the other or paint and texture and layers or both!) that I need to make decisions that allow for more than just a glancing similarity but also not be so bogged down in details that are only present in one version.

It's a bit difficult ;)

I like making lists to determine how long a project will take. I finally feel I'm at the stage I can write a list let along start to tick things off ;)

Photos once I get those pieces above actually assembled into a jetpack and gun. Though I am actually very strongly leaning to casting a lot of the Sintra pieces in resin so as to have a less scratch prone piece...

Anyone want to buy a slightly used kidney (never sent me to hospital coughcough) so I can buy all the silicon in the world? ;)
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Just a text update :)

There is cheating going on in the cinematic! Her gauntlet is swiveled to turn the display from aligning with the ulnar to the radius for the close up. Very annoying. So I need to decide on how I will do that myself.

This happens a lot. It's because the clothes/armor is tied to the underlying 3d model of the character, and for ease of animation, it conforms to the skin, rather than have its own physical properties. It even happens quite a bit in the Clone Wars cartoon. Anatomy and physics come second to showmanship :) So we basically have to figure out what the neutral pose is, and work from that.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Yep, pretty similar reasons to live action reasons too ;)

I have squinted at the the minibust photos an it seems they got around the situation by having the helmet cover most of that side ;)

But yeah I do think making the pieces sans display and make that as a separate piece will allow me to work out a way to position it. I may be able to make it move- I need to practice with some blank gauntlets to see how arm movement affects the rotation and then use that as a base to place all the lethal extras ;)

And I think I worked out the GG mini bust spoiler info! I think it is a matter of grammatical errors- she works in that role for him not against him. Otherwise it's a huge spoiler and I'm sure there would have been some update to work around it.

Small break today :) Then testing my new sand paper on my mouse sander to see if it will work better on my back armour, otherwise I shall have to begin again. Sigh.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

saw some of your work so far on tdh Im guessing looking at the chest that you have a whole nother piece to go over the bottom? Looks like there should be a lot more to it...I was thinking I was going to sculpt the armor in clay and cast the clay for molding but sadly I have to deploy for a year....look forward to seeing what you come up with though
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

I don't know what you are referring to? If you are referring to the band that goes along the bottom, yes that is there- but my photo angles flatten it out a bit. If you mean the small drop shaped piece that is not going to be made until I have the base armour fitted and I know what angle it needs to sit at.

Don't be fooled by this costume. It is ridiculous. It is the single most stupidly over detailed thing I have ever come across in 20 years of costuming- including all the mecha files I have, they are bigger naturally.

I have just managed to write my list of things to do and it is four pages. Even my Samara costume took one page and that includes armour, complex bodysuit and appliances. That is just a list with no details aside from "paint" or "sew".

If openoffice would stop crashing when formatting cells I'd be able to print it off and put it on my wall to tremble at.
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Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

So I decided to stop and take a break and just see how much work I have actually done, as up 'til this stage I had kept everything in a container:

So still a long way from removing the WIP part of this post :) But it is at the stage where it is clear what the project is :)
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