WIP- Dr Who Cyber controller


Well-Known Member
Good evening folks!

A little while back I posted up a picture of an original Tomb cyber controller helmet. Since then it's been moulded and heres some pictures of the first cast. This is one of those "on the back burner" projects, mainly due to the fact that I've got a load of stuff on at present and have been doing a little bit here and there whilst I've been doing the other bits.



You don't realise just how big the dome is on this, so here's a comparison picture next to an 80's style helmet for comparison:

Nice piece, Dan.

Is this a copy off an original and do you have a backplate?


Hi Phil,

Yes, this was moulded from the stunt head that's on the dummy Toberman throws, the original has the mouth piece still filled in. I'd heard the hero version is in Australia, but dunno 100% how true that is. The weird thing is that given it's a dummy piece the circle of holes drilled for ventilation are present on the cheeks, the holes on the cast were drilled through the original marks.

Unfortunately there is no backplate, inside the original is a wooden plate which had a metal support screwed to it for when it was on display in the exhibitions. The plate has holes cut so it drops over the lights which are mounted inside the ring band.



There's no evidence inside of any rewiring- amazingly the original lights still work!

Amazing piece of history you've got there Dan.

Unbelivable that the lights still work after all this time!!

Shame there isn't a back plate, still a stunning piece.

I watched Tomb of the Cybermen the other day, fantastic stuff, the Cybercontroller outstrolls it's modern counterpart.

Looking forward to more piccies.


Hi Dan,

I'd like to re-creat the backplate to round off this display if you were interested. As you probably know I made A version of this helmet many moons ago for the Timebase production "Phase Four"... the amateur Doctor Who Cyberman flik:lol

Anyway it might be possible to adapt my backplate to meld with this prop.


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Andy, I'd better point out that the original doesn't belong to me... it was very kindly loaned out to me.

Phil- thanks for the offer. Please let me think on that as I really don't know how I'd feel working with you after the **** you stirred up about me 4 years ago.
Andy, I'd better point out that the original doesn't belong to me... it was very kindly loaned out to me.

Ah well, doesn't really matter who owns it, great to see it survived and thanks to you and the owner for sharing it with us. :cool

Phil- thanks for the offer. Please let me think on that as I really don't know how I'd feel working with you after the **** you stirred up about me 4 years ago.

I understand and respect you for that but I was worried and skitish at the time about my stuff being re-cast and sold so I raised questions and fingers were pointed (not by me I might add) and conclusions were jumped to and I feel now in the light of day you weren't responsible for that as from what I understand you are mostly attached to creditable people and could not do such a thing.

If you want to discuss this further PM me... If not then we'll leave it at that.

