WIP -"A Compedium of Supernatural Beings and Effective Countermeasures"


Master Member
I've recently been thinking about doing a conceptual "Monster Journal" prop using a vintage looking leatherbound journal/sketchbook -

The title will be "A Compedium of Supernatural Beings and Effective Countermeasures: Vol 1"

The book will basically be an encyclopedia (Circa late 1800's/early 1900's) of monster history, lore, facts, and known methods of defeating them.

Along with these facts there will be a personal journal (from the original "owner" of the handbook) in the form of footnotes and memos scribbled along the sides of the pages which recount the "owner's" many encounters.
Probably also add, little paper props as insets (maybe train or ship ticket stubs from a journey the "owner" took to Transylvania, or old photos of of creatures captured on film, etc)
Im planning on doing all of the text and illustrations with a traditional crow quill pen ink method and pencil.

I was wondering if you guys might be able to help out with a list of creatures/monsters that I might be able to add to the book.
I want to concentrate more on classic or European based monsters, and traditional folklore monsters.
While I don't object to certain Greek mythological monsters, I pretty much want to keep that to a minimum.

So far I have -

Jersey Devil


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Re: Monster Hunter's journal - Need suggestions

ghosts (various), demons, chupacobra. Have you looked into critters from Celtic legend too? you have brownies, water horses, and tons of other critters. You could put elves in there if you feel evil lol
Re: Monster Hunter's journal - Need suggestions

So, we are working on the same exact thing then?:lol

I totally support the idea, I might suggest putting other legendary creatures and even demons, for the creatures I could also suggest some from the Lovecraftian mythology, while fictional, I think they could add a nice "touch" :)

That being said...

sirens (as the original half-bird women)
ghosts (really popular in legends, especially in europe)
rusalki (from Russia and Ukraine, interesting stuff, search it on Google;))
Baba Yaga

I'll post more as soon as I remember them:)
Re: Monster Hunter's journal - Need suggestions

I'll look in our books on celtic myths and see what i can come up with.
Re: Monster Hunter's journal - Need suggestions

So, we are working on the same exact thing then?:lol

Oh, I definitely have to check that out when you're done!

Im also thinking of doing an intergalactic game hunter's journal.
Similar premise (late 1800's timeline) ,but will feature a game hunter that goes to Venus, and documents all the strange creatures, plant life, and adventures he encounters.

BTW, thanks for the suggestions guys. Im definitely going to look them up. I can only have so many monsterts in the book, so Ill just pick the ones that are best suited.

I almost forgot - The Kraken! -


Re: Monster Hunter's journal - Need suggestions

THanks again for the suggestions.

Anyhow, Ive ordered all the things I need for the project, just need to wait for them to arrive.

Ever since I switched to digital art a few years ago it , I rarely use traditional methods anymore, so I've been doing some traditional practice sketches for the project.






More updates later.

Very nice scketches, they will make your book really stand out.

May I suggest you have a look at the scketch book from both Brom and Mike Mignola with whom you share some common style with. They sketch a lot of very interesting takes on the monsters you and others have listed.

Keep up the fantastic work
You already know I love your style and I think that traditional media will suit this idea perfectly, so I'm really curious to see your first pages of the journal... I can't wait :)
Thanks guys.

Very nice scketches, they will make your book really stand out.

May I suggest you have a look at the scketch book from both Brom and Mike Mignola with whom you share some common style with. They sketch a lot of very interesting takes on the monsters you and others have listed.

Keep up the fantastic work

I've seen Broms sketch book, but haven't seen Mignolas...does it have a specific title?

You can also get inspired by a similar book called "The Great Encyclopedia of Faeries"
by Pierre Dubois. It has a lot of mythical creatures labeled as faeries.
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