Wing Commander Game Props?

Origin Museum

New Member
Hi all.
Lurker for a long time--GREAT site!
Just wanted to ask if anyone collects original props from computer or video games?
Ever wonder what happened to the Kilrathi from Wing Commander?

Joe Garrity
Origin Museum


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Okay I'm officially jealous lol. Mind you I don't have enough space for my game collection let alone props used in them but I'm still jealous. I wish they'd ported more than just 2 of the games to the Playstation.
For those that are interested, from left-to right, these are:
* Prince Thrakhath-main head
* Hobbes (I also have his hands, his feet, and his uniform)
* A miscellaneous animatronic head
* Thrakhath-backup head (used for the cockpit VDU scenes)
* A background head, which was not designed for animatronics (it's just a big mask)

The problem I'm having is...they're falling apart--Hobbes is in particularly bad shape, and I don't know how much it would be to get them restored.
I agree Tom should be able to at least keep them from getting worse, the fact they lasted this long is a bit of a surprise as I doubt they really used high end material back then for something like a game.
Fantastic !!!

Regarding "terrible movie", when I talked to Peter Lamont, the production designer for the movie, a few years ago, I asked him why the ships were so terribly designed, i.e. reused old aircraft and such. He said "we had no money!" and shrugged his shoulders.
Yeah that movie had next to no budget, which makes sense since the game series was about dead in the water then too, when these masks were made for the games they had a much bigger budget and this was around the time the Wing Commander cartoon was on. It was just bad timing that the movie didn't get made a few years earlier or they'd have this quality too.
aren't these original Stan Winston props? I could swear I thought it was his studio that made these for the movie..... :confused
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