Darth Mule, which judge was it? One of the judges worked the auction where one of the original Winkie uniforms was sold. He called Brandi's and Jimmy's "dangerously accurate."
Cleverlilminx -
I started with the Simplicity pattern but had to heavily modify it. Simplicity uses basically the same pattern for Dorothy and the Witch. I made the dress, cape, and belt out of black cotton sateen, wrong side out as I didn't want the sheen. But it had the best drape.
The witch's dress needs more gathering at the neck in the center front. The neck also needs to be tighter. The puffed part of her sleeves needs to be raised to just above the middle of the upper arm. The pattern calls for wide grosgrain ribbon on the puffed part of the sleeves. The movie's were of the same material as the dress. The lower part of the sleeve needs to be narrowed substantially. Make them so narrow that they fit tightly around your wrist. "The Wizardry of Oz" book indicates that the sleeves were closed with hooks and eyes. That way you can put the dress on, make up your hands, and then close the sleeves. Add a small train to the back of the dress.
You can use the cape pattern but the pattern calls for felt and cording. Wrong! In the movie, the cape appears to be about two feet longer in the back. Walking around with a cape like that in a con is asking to be stepped on, so mine is only about 8" longer. I faced the neck opening and used velcro on the underside to hold the cape closed.
Throw the belt pattern away. For that I reused a pattern that I had drafted for a Pirates of the Carribean bodice. The belt should start at the point of the bust, tapered to the waist, and flair to about 4" below the waist. The front opening is wider at the top than it is at the bottom. The bottom is tabbed - I'll have to go back and count how many. Lace the belt up the front, from bust to waist, with grommets spaced about every 1 1/2 - 2".
The pouch is best seen in two scenes - when she is walking towards her sister's feet and when she is skywriting. That was made of black cotton twill, upholstery cording, and a self covered fabric button.
I also wore black paddock boots. Her shoes changed throughout the filming. (In MunchkinLand, she is wearing pumps.) I went with comfortable.
Edited to add: The Glinda Simplity pattern is wildly inaccurate. Someday, Brandi and I will research that one.