Why is the MR Kenobi ROTS so expensive?!

cayman shen

Master Member
So, I've been kinda sorta keeping my eyes open for a good deal on the Kenobi ROTS saber. I was hoping that maybe the announcement of the new resin sabers would push the price down a bit. No luck. They're up around $300 bucks it seems.

Now, I've bought this saber twice, both times for about $210. I know, I shouldn't have sold it for fast cash. I know prices change over time, but...

...the other threee ROTS sabers are practically being given away. I got a complete, brown box and all, Anakin for $175 a few weeks ago, and the Yoda and the Sidious can be easily had for the same price.

What makes the Kenobi so special? Any speculation?
The 'as first built by' Kenobi was/is pretty sought after. My guess is since most can't get a AFBB they look for the next closest/best which is the ROTS edition
And 'cause it was made with LOVE... :lol

Actually, I am with you...it shouldn't really be any more expensive than the Anakin. It is a mystery. I sold my Obi Ep 3 last year because I got a decent price for it.

I am holding onto the Anakin Ep 3, because I CAN'T get a decent price for it. :confused

Don't even get me STARTED on the Vader Ep 3. Yuck. Kack. cough... :sick
"Cheap" alternative to the Obi Wan ANH Lightsaber? That's one of the reasons I still have mine although after finishing Russ's build (if I ever do it...) I may sell mine as well. The ROTS sabers were really for me impulse buys, I saw good deals and nabbed them and now the Obi/Anakin are the only ones on display. The Yoda and Sidious are all boxed up and I didn't even touch the Vader. I wonder if the release of hte "Xtreme" Obi Wan ANH Lightsaber from eFX will drive the cost down....
In my experience almost any Obi saber sells for a little higher than the others.

This includes the Ep1-2 and definitely the ANH one. Even on ebay I see those going for more than any Qui-Gon, Maul or Luke sabers.
Don't even get me STARTED on the Vader Ep 3. Yuck. Kack. cough... :sick

What is the story behind that piece anyways? I just never understood the appeal of that lightsaber in general. That flat boxy look near the emitter, the control box being on top, I just don't get it. It wasn't even seen in the whole darn movie!
It is trying to look like a stylized version of the Barbican saber. Which I thought was the fugliest saber of them all already.

But I saw that as a blatant attempt by MR/Lucas to bleed just a little bit more money out of the collectors. Since it was never used or even seen onscreen at all. Not even in deleted scenes or production notes, it was never there. But collections are incomplete without it so..
It is trying to look like a stylized version of the Barbican saber. Which I thought was the fugliest saber of them all already.

But I saw that as a blatant attempt by MR/Lucas to bleed just a little bit more money out of the collectors. Since it was never used or even seen onscreen at all. Not even in deleted scenes or production notes, it was never there. But collections are incomplete without it so..

Oh, you saw it as a blatant attempt to bleed money, eh???

I need a big "raspberry" emoticon for you here, but I can't find one in the list :lol

MR did NOT want to make the Vader Ep 3. Lucas told us that we had to "get behind" the property and support Ep 3. We kept delaying the release, but we got snagged and were given a "suggested deadline" to release it.

We ALL knew it wouldn't sell well, and we LOST money on that one, with all of the development and tooling and marketing costs. It only sold about 900 units IIRC.

Yup. BIG money bleed. In the wrong direction. :rolleyes
Well, if anyone wants to sell an OB ROTS and not molest me financially in the process, let me know. I suppose Kenobi is a waaaaaay cooler character than Anakin, so maybe that's part of the appeal. I dunno. All I know is I've owned this saber twice, sold it when broke, and now want the damn thing again but can't justify being gouged! Of course, maybe I should pay for my short sightnedness.

Sorry to hear about the MR Vader. It sucks that they forced you to make something not even in the movie. And something fugly at that. :lol
Okay, so it was more of a Lucas ploy than a MR one. But it still stinks of "Let's sell this and the collector's would have to get it" only someone lost out big on the idea.

But now I think an interesting point is raised, how could a LE ROTS Vader saber be successful? Sounds like an idea for another topic
I think the only chance the Vader had was selling it before ROTS was released. Once it was widely known it was never seen onscreen, it was doomed.
I was thinking instead of using the Barbican as a model. Use the MPP and make it a stylized prop like they did with the Anakin ROTS from the Graflex.
Perhaps they didn't even know about the MPP, but were just presented with a "Vader saber." The props people included the fugly textured tape/knurling from the surviving Dagobah Graflex, even though the saber in ANH and most of ESB didn't have that rather large detail.
Oh, you saw it as a blatant attempt to bleed money, eh???

I need a big "raspberry" emoticon for you here, but I can't find one in the list :lol

MR did NOT want to make the Vader Ep 3. Lucas told us that we had to "get behind" the property and support Ep 3. We kept delaying the release, but we got snagged and were given a "suggested deadline" to release it.

We ALL knew it wouldn't sell well, and we LOST money on that one, with all of the development and tooling and marketing costs. It only sold about 900 units IIRC.

Yup. BIG money bleed. In the wrong direction. :rolleyes

Sorry 'bout that Steve.

But I do still have my/your/MR/well, you get the point.... ESB Vader in a pretty display case!
I actually like the EP3 Vader saber, except for the stupid piece on the top that looks like the 6 side of dice.

I know we never saw it onscreen, but EVERY SINGLE PICTURE of Vader from EP3 has him holding the saber, on every piece of merchandice (like we'll forget he uses one if he's not holding it or something).

It's in the VD, and familiar to a generation due to the oversaturation of images of it on toys, so it's cannon as far as I'm concerned.
Oh, it's cannon, I believe as well. It was made for the film, and is in all the promos, as you mentioned, and etc. But the average dude with 300 bucks to blow who sees this in the Sharper Image might go "What the hell? Did he even HAVE a saber in that movie?" and grab the Kenobi. You know, the one everyone likes and I can't find for a sane price. :lol
Have you tried sending Nicksdad a message? You could get lucky and he may have a spare left over from his run a while back. It's truly a work of art and very affordable.
Thanks, but I'm into the licensed versions. He did a nice job with his, but I've just got caught up in the "collectible" aspect of it.
You might have some luck luck hanging around the Rebelscum forums.
There seems to be more of a collector vibe over there.

I've gotten some pretty good deals from scummers in the last couple of years.