Question Why a user was banned


Well-Known Member
Hi... I was very interested in something a member was selling on the Junk Yard.
I've been off the grid due to health issues... when it came time to replying to said member it read "BANNED" under his name.

Im still very interested in the prop he was selling.... unless he was known for ripping people off.

Can I drop his member name and maybe get info on why?


It's generally not disclosed why folks get banned. His name will probably show up on the banned user list once they get a chance to update it. 9 times out of 10 it's a sales issue or they're recasting other people's work though.
Yeah most times it is for sales issues, recasting, or just plain being an idiot.
Hi... I was very interested in something a member was selling on the Junk Yard.
I've been off the grid due to health issues... when it came time to replying to said member it read "BANNED" under his name.

Im still very interested in the prop he was selling.... unless he was known for ripping people off.

Can I drop his member name and maybe get info on why?


PM sent.