For a less expensive version try:
The latter is used by painters and contractors putting up drywall...
BTW, the Wetas are in NZD, which means $938 and change USD.
you know if it's Weta it's a jacked up price. No one in their right mind would buy them. did they do market research and see that thousands wanted them for their costumes. District 9 is slowly and steadily moving down the " seen it and done it " films . So you might have once person make a costume for a con..whoopie..
Wow, really cool stuff.
Those two are nice, but they're just straight stilts more or less. The Weta Legs create that "dog leg" effect that's so tough to pull off effectively (especially on a budget).
For under 1k US? Maybe I'm crazy but IMO, that's a bargain!
The wealth of talent we have in these forums, you'd think someone could just build a pair.
Why so negative? What market research are you basing your opinion on?
These would be great for Minotaurs, theater, aliens etc. As for D9, there prices are very good so far. Still in a class by itself.
Just think it's a bad idea for a nitch company..