Quoted from the Fireflyfans.net site where I found the above link.
Serenity 3D mesh available for download.
For those of you who have been seeing my work in the Blue Sun Room, you can now get the mesh from this URL:
You may have to log in with the Lightwave Group 3D in order to download it.
OK-- now for some guidelines.
If you download this mesh I expect four things to happen:
1. Give me credit for the darn thing. It was 83 hours of hard work and love that went into building it.
2. If you download it--USE IT. Create an image or AVI or something, and post it everywhere....
3. Why? Because I want to show Fox that they made a BIG mistake canceling the show--and after the movie next year-- they should bring it back.
4. If you find any problems with the mesh (polygonal errors or missing textures), let me know so I can correct them and repost it.
3D model stats:
Firefly Transport Vessel "Serenity"
By Sean P. Kennedy (AKA Eromanric / AKA Treybor)
File formats: Lightwave LWO
Polygons: 203,951
Mesh file size: 5.62 MB
textures: (178 textures) 22.5 MB
Zip file: 21.1 MB
First, this model is absolutely FREE for NON-COMMERCIAL use.
If you use it for still images or animations, please give my name in the credits for the model. I spent A LOT of time trying to perfect this model so please give credit where credit is due. If you use it, please e-mail me, where I can view the image/animation.
If you want to use it commercially you must first contact Fox Television. No commercial reproduction or re-use of these elements permitted without the express written consent of the Artist, Sean Patrick Kennedy and Fox Television.
If you do display any of this material in any kind of non-profit public display, especially web sites, you MUST give written credit to Sean Patrick Kennedy displayed prominently on or directly underneath the material. The association between the artwork and the artist's credit must be clearly visible.
Copyright and Trademarks for Firefly and Serenity intellectual property must also be displayed if the artwork in question includes such content. The Firefly series is owned by Fox Television - the Serenity motion picture is owned by Universal Pictures.
Enjoy... [/b]