Dagobah Don
Sr Member
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Originally posted by amish@Aug 22 2005, 09:52 PM
I would be too afraid to wear anything else, SWFreak, I admire you for wearing your O, I love that saber, and even though I dont have a Larbel version, I cant imagine wearing it
Originally posted by Durasteel Corporation@Aug 23 2005, 06:02 AM
aaaaachhhh I hate it when I hear stuff like "its too heavy" please reconsider the glorious pain of gravity. Soldiers are out there right now hefting 60 odd pounds...you can carry a 6lb lghtsaber   C'mon your jedi costume isnt armor....you can heft a saber for a while. Be a man, speak softely and carry a big stickÂ
Originally posted by Jedidentist@Aug 25 2005, 01:36 AM
...They're both "heavy", but if you're going to do a costume, you should do it right and not worry about weight. The rest of the costume is frickin' uncomfortable, so what's an extra pound matter?