What is the worst accident you've had costume/ prop building?

Oooh, yeah I wear my goggles all the time now even when using hand tools. I managed to fling some clay in my eye from a fibreglass strand on a mold. My eye got infected and it was pretty gross and heavy duty antibiotics were involved.

Safety gear! I almost want to wear goggles when machine sewing as I quite often break needles and am always worried about one shattering and pinging in to my eyes.
I was sculpting a Dekared helmet out of water based clay for 6 month. Sanding and filling the cracks the entire time. Then it feel an shattered into dust.
A few years later I was doing body work on my Cobra Commander helmet for 3 months and it fell.

Everything falls! XD!
Happened a few years ago building a War Machine; was cutting matte board with a box cutter and somehow managed to lose it's grip on the surface and sliced the front of my shirt leaving a 5 inch hole across. Luckily the blade left only a red mark across my stomach, but I almost gave myself an involuntary vivisection. phwew.
I have a blessing/curse when it comes to being injured. I have nerve damage and can rarely feel whats going on with my hands. Usually by the time I notice its hurting the damage is already done. I've soldered my fingers, burnt with hot glue, cut with razor knives, smashed with hammers. I'm only 36 but my hands look like im in my 80s. Scars, missing chunks, broken gnarled fingers. My suggestion is to always pay attention, don't take your eyes off your hands while working with anything more dangerous than a cotton ball.
I was cutting pink insulation foam for a prop I was making. I was using a serrated kitchen knife because I was 14 lol. It ended up getting stuck so I pulled as hard as I could. I felt this awful sensation on my left hand. I quickly ran to the bathroom across from my bedroom. I turned on cold water and then I blacked out. I woke up next to my bathtub. Blood all over the place but no cut(s) anywhere???? I'm still confused.
I was building Riven's sword and my sister started to play with while I was getting sanding paper to sand down the plaster, she was swinging it around and hit me in the face with it. Not only did it hurt but the sword smashed into pieces :(
I was cutting pink insulation foam for a prop I was making. I was using a serrated kitchen knife because I was 14 lol. It ended up getting stuck so I pulled as hard as I could. I felt this awful sensation on my left hand. I quickly ran to the bathroom across from my bedroom. I turned on cold water and then I blacked out. I woke up next to my bathtub. Blood all over the place but no cut(s) anywhere???? I'm still confused.

The only explanation: You are Wolverine. Congratulations.
Wearing shorts while working with hot glue...let's just say I still have the scar and it still very obviously looks like the tip of a hot glue gun. Exacto knife cuts all the time. Nothing to bad, yet :lol
Wearing shorts while working with hot glue...let's just say I still have the scar and it still very obviously looks like the tip of a hot glue gun. Exacto knife cuts all the time. Nothing to bad, yet :lol

I can't remember where (it may have been on RPF, actually) I read about somebody who was sanding fiberglass in shorts. The very thought of it makes me cringe.
Yep, we're working with some nasty tools/products/paints/clay/material, etc...The short with the hot glue: check, the cutter and the hand/finger: check, the paint/varnish/fiberglass/glue fumes/hot glue again and no mask: check, the splinters, the passing out and the wife screaming bloody murder: check.
We're living an interesting life, full of challenges and adventures gentleman...carry on:lol
I've always thought that the phrase "I've put blood, sweat, and tears into it" has been quite literal with artists of any sort.

My worst two were i once dropped an industrial strength glue gun onto my leg while wearing shorts. it burned a hole into my leg and cauterized it at the same time. I still have a 1/2 in circular scar. The other was the typical exacto knife story: I stepped on an upright blade by accident. I had never seen blood spurt in person until I pulled that out of my foot. And yes, I -was- wearing shoes at the time. Ahh memories.
It wasn't building a prop, but it was in my workshop using all the same tools- I was cutting boards for a fireplace mantle.

The board jerked while going through the table saw. I shut the machine off, thinking I had just marred my fresh cut board. The board was fine. I look at my push stick. YES, I was using a push stick. It was fine. I happen to look at my hand... I didn't know how bad it was, but I knew I'd be going to the hospital. My estimation was that I had cut half way through my ring finger.

I was alone, though I had the presence of mind to lock up the house, put the dog out, and get my insurance card before I drove to the emergency room.
The doctor's report was 3 fractured fingers and 3 cut tendons. I knicked the index finger, went half way through the middle finger, and cut all the way through the ring finger. Only the ligament was holding it to the rest of my hand.

I was told I would lose the end of the ring finger. I had cut right through the last joint. I didn't go into surgery until 8 hours after the incident. When I wake up the doctor told me he, "tried something." He attempted to fuse what was left of the finger. I got 3 pins in 3 of the fingers.

After 6 months I was released and finally told I would officially keep the finger. I lost the last joint and I have 3 separate fingernails at the end because the nail bed was scrambled.

In the pic below, you can see the chunk of bone missing in the middle finger and the splinters of bone in the ring finger. The three fingers are bent at an odd angle because the tendons were cut and thus I was unable to hold them up.

Wow dude:eek that's quite the accident there...well, at least you kept the whole hand and that's the main thing! No need to say that working with table saws is dangerous; one of the main mistake I see is that folks don't raise the saw well above the thickness of the material they're cutting, hence that "come-back" movement: the saw doesn't "bite" enough and the plank ends up riding the blade like a surfboard a wave; a friend of mine lost one of his testicule doing so:cry
Cutting disc on angle grinder broke into pieces mid way during a cut and one piece slammed right between my eyes. If the angle was a bit more straight on it would probably have penetrated my skull. And a bit lower and to the right and I'd have lost an eye(yes I was wearing protective goggles but I doubt it'd stop the shard considering it's speed)

i totaled my car while trying to make a papercraft master-chief helmet during my commute to work. the bottle of glue i had in my lap tipped over due to a bump in the road and i looked down for a second and instinctively tried to wipe the glue off with my hands. big mistake. wound up getting glue all over my hands which i tried to wipe off with a tee-shirt that i had on my passenger seat. the shirt wound up pretty much glued to my hands with my hands very close together. which left me unable to properly grab and control my steering wheel which sent me off the road and into a ditch. No this didn't really happen i just didn't have an interesting story to tell.
Used a dremel to cut out different materials(mdf, pvc, aluminum and steel) for my proton pack. Cutting into a bolt to shorten it there was smoke and a grinding sound coming out of the dremel, a bit of an electrical burn smell, then a pop of fire out the vents and onto my gloves catching them on fire. Quickly put it out and luckily wasn't burned but not going to work the dremel that hard again. Had to get me a new one unfortunately
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