What do I use for wrap on Donatello's bo??


I'm getting a Donatello costume as part of a group that is doing a set of Ninja Turtles. I got a 6' bo to use, but I'm looking for suggestions as to what to use for the brown wrap that goes in the middle section??

Any advice as to what to use and where to get it would be MUCH appreciated!!
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Turtle leather?

Sorry, the joke was too obvious...

What about those things tennis player use on their racket's grips?
If you're going for a super cheap answer, maybe just some standard white sports tape and use some brown shoe polish or rub a wet tea bag over it to weather it a little bit?
thin leather would be traditional weapon making. Easiest would be white tape or the self adhesive cloth bandages. You could then paint or age them appropriately (bandages come in brown but I would doubt it would look right.

The key in making it look right is the wrapping technique.
A cheap, thin leather belt attached with foam mounting tape?
That stuff's astoundingly strong once it's stuck! I attached a 4-gang plug to my desk with it, decided to move it, and needed a bloody chisel to remove it!
ninjas don't use straps on their bo's! lol agree on teh foam tape, ****s next to damn impossible to completely come off!
So I would put some mounting tape where the ends of the belt will be and just wrap the rest?? Or do I want to tape under the entire belt??

I apologize for the "simpleness" of my questions. I LOVE wearing costumes to events, but I am an absolute novice when it comes to putting one together (although I did a large part of my Chewie costume with LOTS of hand holding along the way).
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Since this is only a once in a while costume, I went cheap and got some sports tape that I'll just wrap and age somehow.
Thanks for the advice!!
Just make sure to seal it with some...


Turtle Wax.

Sorry saw the turtle leather crack above and had to.

Post some pics of how it came out!!:thumbsup
Since this is only a once in a while costume, I went cheap and got some sports tape that I'll just wrap and age somehow.
Thanks for the advice!!

As someone mentioned previously tea would work very well. As a bit of trivia, British troops serving in South Africa during the Zulu/Boer War period would dye their helmets, belts, pouches, and suspenders, which were white, with tea as a form of camouflage.