What costumes are you working on?

Yea, she was really nice and answered a lot of questions that most people probably would have blown off. I also found out she did some work on the Young Indy show, which I started watching around the same time I started getting interested in costuming.
I'm currently working on a long list of costumes, trying to get them ready for Dragon*Con.

They are Silk Spectre 1, Star Trek TOS Skant Dress, Sarah from Labyrinth, a Seaquest DSV uniform, the Coat Alice wears at the end of Alice in Wonderland and I'm updating my Padmé Geonosis costume with new shins and a new hairpiece.

I am also still trying to source a good replica of the Belt Silk Spectre 2 wears.

hmm whats costumes i am working on?

upgrades to my custom mando..
a Open seasons Inspired custom mando
a At-At Driver ( waiting on a back pice)
a halo marine

a few others aswell
That Abe Sapien head is...zomg. :love

My current baneofexistanc--err, project, is a little back of a Star Wars EU throwback. (I'm not much of a prequel/clone gal, never have been and never really will be.) I always liked the Young Jedi Knights and I've already done Jaina, so now I'm working on Tenel Ka. It's been a really exciting project because aside from a few pointers here and there, I've been constructing this costume on my own and I haven't really done that before. I'm really quite proud of my pauldrons.

So far:

That is sweet! I love seeing people do some different characters.
Working on a sandtrooper and 3PO. Here are a few progress pics of the shorts and chest piece parts that I'm currently concentrating on.




Some sweet costumes in here. Hurt Locker costume was cool but that will be hot, so god bless you and good luck with that one. Nice Boba Fett, Mad Hatter's and many many others.

On my plate is a Legends Captain America and G.I.Joe Tunnel Rat
Being new and all, I guess this is a good place to start. I'm on a LOTR kick right now, so I'm working on some maille to eventually go with some Rohirran armor.
Nothing amazing to report here, been working on an Assassin's Creed 2 Ezio costume, and have a couple works in progress of a World of Warcraft costume that got put aside to work on the Assassin's creed 2 outfit.

Here's a couple photos of the AC2 work in progress

this thing still needs the top sculpt, and a good bit annoyed, because though I still have the pattern i drew up for this, the drawing for the sculpt that goes on top of this thing went missing, and have to redo it. Think the PSD file corrupted or something :(

The belts my favorite part so far

And the rest of what i have so far. Still a lot to do there..

would like to do some armor aas well, but haven't gotten far beyond the initial layout phase

Its been moving slowly due to commissions and stuff, but hope to get it done before Dragon*con As I work on the AC2 gear, I've been making some of the parts for other people, so thats slowed down a good bit

As for the WoW armor, i have a half done wing
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v87/shmupo/props/wow/wow_wings_4.jpg. if I don't finish this, i'll try to at least find a way to put the wings to use.. been thinking of rigging it to my wedding dress when that time comes

Currently working on an TF2 intel case, gunblade, chakram, and customized leather straps (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v87/shmupo/rpf/strapwips.jpg yay the resin stamp idea worked!) for blindquirrel's Boromir's Shield props..
Well I've started on a Mikey Myers. Pretty simple all around actually, aside from the mask, but after a long time of looking i've found the perfect, most accurate mask I could and really have stuck to it. Well, there's two but I like the first better. Boring first post, so uh ,yeah (awkward....)
Figured I didn't need to open up a whole new thread for this, since I'd already posted a couple of my Tenel Ka pieces in here....

I'm looking for suggestions. I covered a pair of boots in very heavy leather:


(Major kudos to Sithcamaro on this btw, I would never have understood how to do this without his tutelage!)
Just got em stitched, and now I need to add some scutes/spikes/hard parts to them. The heel I've got a good plan as to how to sculpt the apoxie putty I'm using over it, but I'm trying to add spikes to the bottom edges by the soles, and the top of the toes, etc.
I'm planning on using super sculpey again or perhaps apoxie putty to make the spikes/scutes/scales, but I don't have a good idea as to how to secure them. I don't think riveting will be an option, as the leather is so thick the cobbler I brought the boots to broke 5 needles just stitching the back and front strips. >.< (That and some parts are just solid sole anyways, they're slightly platformed heels.)

Anyone have any suggestions for how hard parts can be reliably attached to a pair of leather boots so they won't break off easily? The hot glue is only *just* good enough for the scutes I put on my pauldrons, but boots of course get more wear and tear than epaulettes...

(Btw no comment about the impracticalities of a jedi wearing heels. :p If a jedi can jump out of a speeder and fall hundreds of feet onto a moving vehicle, or pull a star destroyer out of the sky to come crashing to the ground, then they can fight in heels. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :lol)

EDIT: Btw, fevereon those assasin's creed pieces are gorgeous, that belt is just mindblowingly awesome. Can't wait to see where the WoW outfit goes!
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Without drilling holes and somehow pinning them into the boots, you could try something stronger like GOOP! glue. It stays somewhat flexible when it's dry, but is very strong. If you still have a piece of the leather I would test it and stick one of the spikes on and flex it around to see what, if anything would tear it off. Just make sure to rough up the attachment point on the leather and the bottom of the spike with sand paper to give the glue something to hold onto. You can get GOOP! at Home Depot or Lowes. I used it years ago to attach the blades to my Gaffi stick and it's held those on.
Hmm that sounds workable. The one issue I had with GOOP when I used it to attatch some of my metal bikini parts together is that it got EVERYWHERE. But if it's got that good a hold on them I'll have to go for it. My other thought was possibly epoxy glue, which I've only worked with a little in the past...
Skip the Goop and go with the king of shoe glues. BARGE! Probably what you used to get all the leather on in the first place if you were following the lead of the Tobester.

Aside from that, regular epoxy should work in places like the heel and toe where the shoe doesn't flex.
I am currently working on:

Updating my Ironman with Fiberglass parts over resin
ODST armor
3 Musketeers
Aquaman Classic
Aquaman Blackest Night
X-Men Havok

That should keep me busy between now and Dragon Con

Ironman X2

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