Weathering an ANH trooper blaster


Sr Member
Ive got a Resin ANH Trooper blaster that i would like to weather a little,but am not sure how to go about it.I dont want it to look too heavy,just something to give it a used look.

Can anyone give me any advice on how to do a little bit of light weathering to give it a nice used look :)

Many thanks for any help :)

Dry brush the scope with some gold or brass paint, and the barrel tip and magazine with some aluminum.
yeah, i used this tutorial too, and it works very well...
BTW, the wooden tutorial is also great.

if you need a hand with stuff like this try finding some miniature-builders. i had a helping hand from a guy who is into miniature-trains (H0-format is the german word for it)for more than 20 years... these guys know all the tricks.