Watched "THEY LIVE" for the first time finally.....


Master Member
Great film! Very interesting concept and I thought THEY were freaky. I wished I saw then more in color view. Most the time they were seen in B&W via the sunglasses, but man they really are freaky looking and something about that makes it look more realistic and gritty than newer films out there.

Did anyone get licensed to ever make any statues or 1/6 scale of "THEM"?

Can't believe I hadn't seen it all these years and I'm 32!
I love the epic slug fest, one of the best movie fights ever. Also did you notice the alien cops using Ghostbuster PKG meters as communicators?
YES!! HAHAHA! I forgot to mention that I saw a VERY familiar meter from GB! That slug fest was pretty epic too. Don't see fights that down and dirty anymore! Seeing that all in real speed with no slow mo was refreshing!
That was a really fun film. It's always nice to hear there are others out there that enjoy good sci-fi (y)thumbsup:thumbsup

Now you have to go back and watch the cripple fight from south park :lol
My friend and I watched this movie together, and every time we'd reach for our glasses, we would always hold our pair in front of the other one saying in a struggling manner, "Put the glasses on!" and we'd just pretend brawl all over the place. We LOVE IT!
God, I LOVE this movie! We just watched it a few months ago and I was really surprised at how well it held up for me.
That quote is part of pop culture now lol. I didn't appreciate the movie when i was younger and first saw it but now it's much better. Nothing like yuppies from space to explain the 80s.
Oh man I saw a good amount of that movie on vacation a few weeks ago, including the fight they copied in South Park (which was why I watched the movie, apart from the fact I love John Carpenter and Keith David). Gotta watch the full thing. Loved it so far.
It's B movie material, but it is the best kind.
You really do look at things a little different afterwards.
I think Serling would have liked this one.
A great freaky alien movie. If you see this when you're young and at night it'll really mess you up.
This shot near the end still gives me the willies. Freaks the crap out of me that he's just staring. Not even moving...
