watch used in Aliens/tracking tube


Active Member
Now that Steve is doing a run of the locator tubes can anyone remember the watch used :confused I know they are very hard to come by. Thanks Mike
The seiko you are looking for is indeed called a pulse meter.
However, you do not want the one with the yellow buttons, IF you are going exact.
The correct one has black buttons.
The last one I heard about on ebay sold for over $500.00
The one with the yellow buttons is very close, and the one most people use with their costumes.
Its also the one I have.
I paid 50 bucks for mine on ebay, they usually go closer to the $150.00 mark.
If Kevin sees this thread I'm sure he has pics of the correct watch, if not I'll see if I can get one for you.
Are you sure? Not that I'm doubting you, but I seem to remember some close up shots where the paint wore off the buttons exposing the yellow underneath. One theory is that they indeed used the ones with the black buttons but could not find enough in time so they also used the ones with the yellow buttons painted black so that they all matched.
Am I wrong?
Scott is buttons was correct. Noble makes a screen accurate wristband. OD and velcro IIRC.
I have the yellow button version, and painted the buttons black.

I'll post some picts with the strap.

Can't wait to get a tube!
If Kevin sees this thread I'm sure he has pics of the correct watch, if not I'll see if I can get one for you.

Thanks Scott!

Okay here is the screen accurate Seiko PulseMeter-


This is the Holyest of Holy Pulsemeters and as Scott mentioned, goes for megabucks on ebay (if you can find one- I've seen maybe two in the last five years).

And here is the more common one with yellow buttons:


And finally a later model that is not exactly accurate, but will do in a pinch:


(Modeled on my wrist ;) ).

The screen accurate black buttons is model S234-501A.

Yellow buttons are models S234-5000 and S234-5010 ( they are nearly identical except that model 5010 has "Alarm Chronograph" on the face plate- just like the second picture).

And the third less accurate model is S229-5001 (the one on my wrist).

There is a fourth all stainless steel model as well- totally inaccurate for USCM costuming.

Hope this helps!

Well it looks like I was wrong and Funky was right-

The screenused Pulsemeters were indeed the yellow button version with the buttons painted black for filming.

So go ahead and purchase a yellow button one- but you'll have to paint the buttons black yourself for it to be SA. ;)

I need to rewatch the movie, but maybe the crew here can answer a couple of question regarding the pulsemeter watch as used onscreen:

First, in addition to the buttons, was 'SEIKO PULSEMETER' at the top left of the watch face also painted over in black? Or were those words actually visible onscreen?

Second, is this the exact same piece that Ripley put on Newt to keep track of her? Yes I know I should know this.

Thanks guys.
Can someone give me size dimensions and really good pics for this watch? I can't find them anywhere and they are way out of my price range to buy one. I also need the same thing for the tracker that goes with it. I am almost finished with my complete USCM costume and need these and a few more things to finish. I hope someone out there can help me. If anyone knows of any kits available for these, that would help too. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Can someone give me size dimensions and really good pics for this watch? I can't find them anywhere and they are way out of my price range to buy one. I also need the same thing for the tracker that goes with it. I am almost finished with my complete USCM costume and need these and a few more things to finish. I hope someone out there can help me. If anyone knows of any kits available for these, that would help too. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Bump for some help.
I have replica watch kits that will do in a pinch.

Can someone give me size dimensions and really good pics for this watch? I can't find them anywhere and they are way out of my price range to buy one. I also need the same thing for the tracker that goes with it. I am almost finished with my complete USCM costume and need these and a few more things to finish. I hope someone out there can help me. If anyone knows of any kits available for these, that would help too. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
They are 35.00+ shipping 5.10 for US, and 12.00 international. It doesn't have a strap, but noble here an the board may still have screen accurate ones or you can pick up ones that look nice from ebay.

Here is a picture of 2 of my replicas with noble straps, and a real watch on the left with an ebay found strap.

How much is a kit?
They are 35.00+ shipping 5.10 for US, and 12.00 international. It doesn't have a strap, but noble here an the board may still have screen accurate ones or you can pick up ones that look nice from ebay.

Here is a picture of 2 of my replicas with noble straps, and a real watch on the left with an ebay found strap.

Do you have the tracker that goes with the locator? If not, do you know who may have them? I will PM you in a sec for ordering details.
Sorry, but I don't have the tracker tubes. The one in the photo came from SD studio's. I am not sure who else may have them.

Do you have the tracker that goes with the locator? If not, do you know who may have them? I will PM you in a sec for ordering details.
Are you a member of the aliens legacy forum. I seem to recall someone do a run of static tubes over there a while ago.