Was Red Dawn remake squashed by China?


Sr Member
A buddy told me the Red Dawn release was snuffed due to the Chinese gov't objections to the subject matter. Any validity? Any accurate news on this one?

I don't think so.

From what I understand, the release has been delayed due to MGM's ongoing financial problems, nothing more.

I seriously doubt that they could stop a movie from being released.
Yeah... I don't think that China would have any bearing on a movie release.

MGM is a mess... and it would probably be foolish to even attempt such a movie today anyway. It really just wouldn't have the same weight in the post Cold War era.
I was thinking it was a bit far fetched, but I wasn't sure if the Chinese had any financial stake in MGM.

I wasn't a huge fan of the first red dawn but mind you i was in like first grade when it came out and the cold war didn't really sink in until later.
Yep, it's done filming. It's planned for a 2011 release but no date has been set yet. I wouldn't be surprised to see it go direct to DVD, but I hope not.

In all likelihood, what your buddy told you was 99.9% certain to be nonsense. The Chinese gov't does exercise some control of films that are screened in China (e.g. POTC III), and they definitely do exert some control over films made in China (which is why so many carry certain thematic elements [e.g. Fearless, wherein Jet Li's character prevails over various fighters from other countries]) but I doubt very much that they could axe a film being made because of content.
I figured. The only way I could imagine it being the case was if they had a piece of MGM.

I know in my discussions with people under the age of 30, they do not understand the cold war and movies like Red Dawn have little impact on them.

Of course most of them also have not seen most classic movies at all. It always kills me when guys haven't seen things such as Cool Hand Luke just to mention one.
Yeah, the N. Korea invasion is old news. But yes, it's also completely ridiculous.

So, how long do we figure before the RiffTrax come out for it?
Wow, they might as well stop production on this box office crapper now. That's ludicrous. You might as well have the population of Easter Island attack the U.S.!