War machine 1st attempt


Looking great! Still waiting to get everything fiberglassed before I start any bondo. Didnt realize those legs were gonna be such a pain to fiberglass.
Looking great! Still waiting to get everything fiberglassed before I start any bondo. Didnt realize those legs were gonna be such a pain to fiberglass.
They are I'm not even close too done fiberglassing mine..

Well i decided to cut my helmet before i put all the details in...also maybe it's easier to work in some areas that I couldn't get to...I'm very happy with the results hardly any damage done to parts..May need touch ups but it's ok...also it fit perfect..it's not right i can slide my head in easily..my ears touch a little but i haven't cleaned it up..here it is..








Hey Don, how close is the fit between your ab section and chest? I plugged in your scales, 1.90 scale abs and 1.69 chest, and it's just difficult to tell how easily the one can slide into the other. I know I can flex my pieces a little to fit later, but trying to avoid that lol.
It actually fits in with no twisting.....the only thing that the cod part where they both meet (cod and abs it's tight...i have to wiggle in sideways.....)
For some reason all the suits have to be different on scales even for the patriot the same scale..upper and lower the lower always fits tighter..
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