W.I.P. Ultimate Captain America

Wow, this is a fantastic build.

One thing, thought you'd want to know...I have a few sets of those pouches, and they're German. Mauser pouches, to be exact.
i noticed the lines on the shield arent crisp in some areas, are you going to touch that up or give it some type of battle damage? there's this blue hair line that my eyes just jump right to.
i noticed the lines on the shield arent crisp in some areas, are you going to touch that up or give it some type of battle damage? there's this blue hair line that my eyes just jump right to.

Yes I've touched them up a bit. The plan was to probably use the shield as a battle-damaged version since it was my first attempt at it, and of course it couldn't be perfect. But I've done some touch ups following the work on the back of the shield to add the handles, brackets and loops for the backpack system I added. I straightened a few of the leaks, re-sprayed the blue and center star, as well as went over the sliver that ran into the red.

Still not perfect, but definitely much better. I'll update with a few more pics on the 2nd reserved post.
Never thought about using a saucer sled for a CA shield. Why not use an aluminum saucer sled for added realism? Great work so far!
Progress from Start to Finish of the shield:


That is Amazing Bro. You got to be proud of your art work :cheers
Thanks for the comments guys, I appreciate the feedback. The helmet is drying, I hope to get it painted and pics up tomorrow.

Here is a pic of what I'm going for, but darker blue.

A few progress pics and a finished pic of the helmet.

Drying the Fiberglass Resin over the modeling clay.



Blue coat - matches the shield but a bit metallic. Will bother with it later if I change the color.


Almost Done!


Finished Helmet - pic taken outside in natural light.

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Here is a test pic. If I do the wings, they would be something like this. I'm still undecided though, and going to think on it a while. Feel free to post comments. :)

I guess pics with a human head inside (use yours if you don't have one in the freezer) would help us decide better :)
Great job!
I'd go with the wings but maybe size them down a bit, seem too large. Maybe half that size or so.
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