"V" - Visitors gun


Sr Member
Hi all,

Where can I find on the web, some good informations and good pics on the "Visitors" laser gun ?

Thank you very much,
i am looking for it too
there is one over ebay but it is undersized (show recast) and it reached btw 100 bucks!!
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i just bought a resin replica of the gun full size, for 79 euro shipping included.

at the moment there are 2 type replicas on ebay

finished full scale 140$


unfinished paint full scale (the one i got, there is still one available) for 89.99$, same seller of the above one


unfinished / finished paint toy scale (undersized)

the undersized toy should be avoided.
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http://www.arsenalmodels.com/ has it for $35.00

Good clean casts

SGT Sarge

arsenal is also known as coolmodels on ebay. They are well known recasters, just do a RPF search on "coolmodels". I saw one of their Galaxy Quest nebulizers and it was loaded with bubbles as they had bad venting.

I recall a lot of the promo pics for Badler and the Blonde chick had good shots of the gun. Do a google search for Badler and the cast.
http://www.arsenalmodels.com/ has it for $35.00

Good clean casts

SGT Sarge

I guess your morality only extends to TOS Trek, eh? :lol

Stay away from these guys as well as Coolmodels and for that fact, New Moon. All notorious recasters selling undersized and warped pulls with soft details and often poorly cured resin. Most appear to be carved from a bar of soap. Many of these pieces are recast from works of members here, ASAP and other great replica boards. Stay Away!