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    • Sadeeb
      Sadeeb replied to the thread Jurassic Park Barbasol can.
      Of course I agree - I enjoy making stuff - not everyone has the time, resources, skills or funds to make some things tho - so we pick...
    • Sadeeb
      Sadeeb replied to the thread Jurassic Park Barbasol can.
      The eBay cheaper copies are a great place to start and work out upgrading a can on a budget print new label on glossy self adessive...
      • Screenshot_1.png
      • RUSTY CAN.png
      • IMG20250118185858.jpg
    • Sadeeb
      Sadeeb replied to the thread BOBS BURGERS.
      As this is a test - in work is a version of the wall with the neon light the trunking for lights and existing framed pics still in place...
    • Sadeeb
      Sadeeb replied to the thread BOBS BURGERS.
      And finally put up my Crimbo Decoration in the hall...... a bit wrinkly at the moment - like myself...
      • photo_2024-12-19_14-44-14.jpg
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Sep 15, 1961 (Age: 63)