V squad ships


Well-Known Member
I was hoping if anyone had any ref shots of the squad ships from V. I'm building one and need any pics that could possibly help, especially blueprints.
Beautiful pics!!! Too bad no toys were ever produced for this great show. I would have even been happy with the LGN proto types.
Didn't know where I got them, as they have been sitting on my pc for a fair while.. But yes credit goes to them.. They asked for samples.. My collection of images for V goes back the 26 years.. So I don't keep thousands of images with info on where I got them from..
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Thanks heaps for those pics but I,m after model shots of the ones with the middle compartments any would would be great.
Oh okay.. The actual Squad Shuttles.. Not really much around for them.. Again, these are from the 26 years I have collected V images, so not sure who to credit.. These ones are not crash hot quality in the build..






These ones were screen used models:




Might have some more around, just need to go through folders..
They made the Skyfighters so they can pull them apart at the middle and add the pods for squad vehicles and tankers etc.. You can see some here with the creator Kenny Johnson..

I think there were 7 fronts and backs made in total, with all of them able to be adopted to other roles.

2 of them were blown up in the production of the original Miniseries. That's why you never saw more then 5 different ships in any one Hanger scene.

I would love to get my hands on some of those full scale models there!!!!
I think there were 7 fronts and backs made in total, with all of them able to be adopted to other roles.

2 of them were blown up in the production of the original Miniseries. That's why you never saw more then 5 different ships in any one Hanger scene.

I would love to get my hands on some of those full scale models there!!!!

Good info, sorry to say though that the ful scale versions are no more:cry
I figured they would be gone, but oh well. I always loved the modular design and the look of the ships.
Nice, thanks for posting these pics - brings me back 20-some years :)

Haven't had a chance to check out the 2009 version yet. Ayone know if it's any good compared to the original (however cheesy it was at times)?
You can't compare it.. Totally different characters, story, feel, time etc.. It has it good and bad parts.. The whole Lisa and Tyler relationship gets abit Dawson Creeky, though, I dare say better than Robin Maxwell and Brian's relationship.. Damn they should have killed her off.. I am a MASSIVE fan of the Original, but I do like this version too.. Yes there is no Kenneth Johnson or the old characters we all know and loved, but it stands on it's own..

Though, if you check my website out where you will find everything V you want to know, you will find out which Original member will be most likely hitting V: The New Series shortly..
Well stated, Beechy:)

Which site do you own/run?

You can't compare it.. Totally different characters, story, feel, time etc.. It has it good and bad parts.. The whole Lisa and Tyler relationship gets abit Dawson Creeky, though, I dare say better than Robin Maxwell and Brian's relationship.. Damn they should have killed her off.. I am a MASSIVE fan of the Original, but I do like this version too.. Yes there is no Kenneth Johnson or the old characters we all know and loved, but it stands on it's own..

Though, if you check my website out where you will find everything V you want to know, you will find out which Original member will be most likely hitting V: The New Series shortly..