V For VENDETTA: The movie props


Well-Known Member
I know that Rubies made some replica V masks for convention promotions and that DC Direct is offering a high-end Limited Edition mask from the film molds. But as I am working on a 1:1 V costume I was hoping somebody here might have a line on some of the other pieces, in particular the stylized knives and the belt buckle.

Here are some reference pics:





The posters would be pretty cool to reproduce as well.

I have been trying to find someone on this board that could identify the daggers and no one helped me. Here's hoping you have more luck.
they look a LOT like the dagger harry was going to stab peter with in spiderman 2. the sheath is less stylized, but the dagger portion (blade and handle) look to be damn near close to identical.

From the Quicktime trailers:





So is it just me, or do others expect Patrick Stewart to jump out from behind the mask instead of Hugo Weaving? :lol

- Gabe
PropRunner, thanks for all of those additional reference photos. Great stuff.

Wayne R, that Main Gauche dagger from ancientedge.com is indeed VERY close. But ouch at $155 a piece. (You need a total of 6 to complete the costume). :unsure

And you're British but thought that Guy Fawkes was French? :confused

Anyway, hoping this thread transpires into some good revelations and hopefully some great replicas. Perhaps things will heat up once the movie opens here in the States in a couple of weeks.
Originally posted by JediCarl@Feb 28 2006, 03:25 PM
PropRunner, thanks for all of those additional reference photos. Great stuff.

Wayne R, that Main Gauche dagger from ancientedge.com is indeed VERY close. But ouch at $155 a piece. (You need a total of 6 to complete the costume).  :unsure

And you're British but thought that Guy Fawkes was French?  :confused

Anyway, hoping this thread transpires into some good revelations and hopefully some great replicas. Perhaps things will heat up once the movie opens here in the States in a couple of weeks.

Yep, no idea why. I think I was misinformed as a child. We'll blame just about anything on the French if we think we can get away with it, though.
Nowadays, I tend to think he was probably the last man in Parliament with any integrity.
Anyway, I'm still digging. Nothing closer than the £155 one yet, though.
BTW, some of us are also looking for a line on where to locate the hat, suit, cape, etc. So if anyone knows of where to look it would be much appreciated.
Interesting - I've not read the books (yet). But for some reason the mask reminds me of a grinning Timothy Dalton - mostly around the nose and cheeks.

I had been so-so aout seeing the movie, but those clips certainly catch they eye, don't they?

Just got the DC Direct mask, it's INCREDIBLE.... but kind of limited (500) get one whilst you can, most online stores are sold out.

Picked up the book last year, before I even knew about the movie. I've been kind of obsessed with it ever since. It's full of plot twists and turns and leaves loads to the imagination.....
Originally posted by Vandark@Feb 28 2006, 04:17 PM
Just got the DC Direct mask, it's INCREDIBLE....  but kind of limited (500) get one whilst you can, most online stores are sold out.
PICS... :D

I could whip up the detonator, belt buckle, and badge in 3D CAD and see about having a leather folder made for it, but I think we should wait for the DVD or at least a bootleg of the movie so we can get all the best details before we start talking replica projects.

- Gabe
Originally posted by dkwd@Feb 28 2006, 05:53 PM
Interesting - I've not read the books (yet).  But for some reason the mask reminds me of a grinning Timothy Dalton - mostly around the nose and cheeks.

V's image (including the mask, wig, and hat) is meant to be an homage to Guy Fawkes, for reasons that are very obvious and clear in the graphic novel (and the film).
Originally posted by Vandark@Feb 28 2006, 08:17 PM
Just got the DC Direct mask, it's INCREDIBLE....  but kind of limited (500) get one whilst you can, most online stores are sold out.

Picked up the book last year, before I even knew about the movie.  I've been kind of obsessed with it ever since.  It's full of plot twists and turns and leaves loads to the imagination.....
Agreed. I really think the movie is going to blow some peoples' minds (and open eyes). I've been a fan of the book for years, but I'm actually glad it will finally get its due thanks to the film. I anticipate I will be one of many folks costuming as V at Dragon*Con this year.

Oh, and I just ordered the DC Direct prop replica mask as well. Can't wait.
I'll post some photos tomorrow (it's nearly time for my bed.)

The only problem (if you can call it that) is that this mask is made from some sort of porcelain, but the mask in the movie was made from fibreglass, so in one respect it's not movie accurate.

I imagine it would break quite easily, so I wouldn't reccomend it for trooping, it might be best to get one of the Rubies masks for this purpose.

One cool feature, is that the eyes and mouth are gaused out, just like in the move. I wasn't expecting this.

I'm very surprised nobody has posted photos of this mask yet, it's been available for a week or so.

BTW, i LOVE this mask...
Buy a brown womans wig, cut it up, and you have Natalie Portmans hair from the cutting scene. :p