USB Holocron


New Member
This has been a good week!
I finally get to share a secret I've been sitting on for almost 2 years! Rather than post the first version I made last year, I thought I'd wait until I had it all worked out, and only post when I felt I had nailed it.

Data Holocron « Genesis Custom Sabers

Special thanks to Acerocket for the help getting plans together. The aluminum parts were machined locally.


The flash drive's SMD status LED is what provides the illumination - it's not dramatically bright in a fully lit room - more impressive as evening sets. Cool thing is how the crystal refraction effect changes as you look at it from different angles.
cool... maybe move your thread to the junkyard so you don't get yelled at for soliciting sales outside of it...
cool... maybe move your thread to the junkyard so you don't get yelled at for soliciting sales outside of it...

Thanks, but I don't have 20 posts yet. It's hard to sort through all the threads looking for only SW stuff. I hoped if I just posted for information and discussion nobody would object.
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