URGENT - Help needed with Sparrow compass, Canaidans or Americans?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,
So I put off getting a new toy compass to mod for my Sparrow outfit. Stupid move. All the playsets that had the compass are now sold out and have the POTC 3 ones. So. Does anyone have a new or modified eve n (I perfer to mod, because it's fun), from the POTC2 pirates set? I would need it for next Thursday so I could mod for Friday. If anyone in Canada (I'm in Edmonton) can get one at TOys R Us or something that'd be great. If not, if anyone in the US of A can get one here shipped overnight or something? I'll pay all costs of course. Also if you have a toy Sparrow pistol too...

This probably should be JY but I dunno, it's more of a notice than anything... ;)

Well in the newer set there isn't a compass. Just a hat, the bandana, rings map etc. Only the POTC 2 ones had the stinking compass. ARrrrg... ANYONE?
Remember there were two toys -- one was too big? I have some of the bigger ones, but they really belong to my son. Email me if the bigger one would do, and I'll "negotiate" with him. It'd have to be mailed from California.
Hi King,

I noticed they had some POTC stuff at the Discovery Hut....you must have one there right? Give them a call? They might not have the most current inventory so you may get lucky?
Hey everyone, I got one. WOW that was way harder than it should have been. But my bad for procrastinating. Thanks to everyone who was willing to help!!