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Here's the ones I've whipped up. So far, I've got two Walking Dead (the first one I'm not really proud of, I like the second one better), two Real Steel (again, I like the second one better), one 2001: A Space Odyssey and one Portal.

Those are awesome! Can you save them at 55 (I know it degrades the image a bit but we don't get dinged at 55 compression) and progressive and we will add them in!
Those are awesome! Can you save them at 55 (I know it degrades the image a bit but we don't get dinged at 55 compression) and progressive and we will add them in!

Sure. It may take a bit of time, but I'll get them up here as soon as I can. :)

Edit: I appears they're already saved with Progressive at 5 scans. And it's only giving me the option from 1 (small file) to 12 (large file) for quality. (I use the Adobe Creative Suite CS4)

I don't know if that helps out at all, but that's the information I have about it.
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For some reason I'm getting a double Indy and Henry banner when it pops up, one on top of the other. This is the only banner that does this.

I haven't noticed on anything except my phone, Blackberry OS 7.1 I believe. Since I'm probably the only person who visits the site from a BB, probably doesn't matter, lol.

Just as a follow up, a few days ago on my phone that header came up again and was fine.
Is anybody getting a "stuck" banner? I had Prometheus as my banner on every page (except the DC, Marvel and SW forums) from the 25th -28th yesterday it switched to GI Joe, but now its stuck on that one. I used my sister's I-pad on while out of town on the 26th and got the same thing. (I didn't log in, just visited the site as a guest)
So, yeah, since they're already saved with Progressive at 5 scans. And Photoshop only gives me the options from 1 (small file) to 12 (large file) for quality, I don't know what to do. Maybe I'm not getting the 55 thing.... :/
So, yeah, since they're already saved with Progressive at 5 scans. And Photoshop only gives me the options from 1 (small file) to 12 (large file) for quality, I don't know what to do. Maybe I'm not getting the 55 thing.... :/
Do you have "Save for Web" as that is where the 55% quality setting comes from.
Here's the banners saved as you requested 55, progressive. Sorry for the confusion on my behalf and thanks again to Montagar for the help. If there's any problems with them, let me know and I'll see if I can fix them. Also, if the colors on the Portal banner are confusing, basically they're the colors of the portals you are able to shoot in both the Portal games (one is orange, the other is blue).

Like before, I've provided both versions of The Walking Dead and Real Steel and am allowing you to choose which one you feel is the better one (though I happen to like the second one on each a lot better than the first ones). If you decide to include those, you're more than welcome to do so. Enjoy!


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I've whipped up some for The Thing (both Carpenter's version and the prequel). I did eight of them, but I've narrowed it down to four (two from the original, two from the prequel). So, here's four that you guys can choose from if you decide to use them.


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Is anybody getting a "stuck" banner? I had Prometheus as my banner on every page (except the DC, Marvel and SW forums) from the 25th -28th yesterday it switched to GI Joe, but now its stuck on that one. I used my sister's I-pad on while out of town on the 26th and got the same thing. (I didn't log in, just visited the site as a guest)

So sick of this prometheus banner! Stuck on it for weeks. I only see it when I accessthe forum via phone.
I'd like to see some more classic sci-fi/fantasy stuff. The "old" to "new" ratio seems off to me. Hunger Games, JJ Star Trek, Prometheus, that's all fine and dandy but where's the old school stuff? Show some love for those that paved the way!

Says the man with the GotG avatar :lol
I'd like to see some more classic sci-fi/fantasy stuff. The "old" to "new" ratio seems off to me. Hunger Games, JJ Star Trek, Prometheus, that's all fine and dandy but where's the old school stuff? Show some love for those that paved the way!

Says the man with the GotG avatar :lol


You're right though, I think its a good idea :thumbsup

Maybe a few for those who went to older schools in a cave too :lol

Besides the classic sci-fi like BSG, Quantum Leap, Space 1999, Visitors etc etc, there are also other extremely popular ones like Magnum PI, A-Team, I Dream of Jeannie, Knight Rider, Addams Family etc.

Do we even have a Stargate, TNG, DS9, Farscape, Lost, James Bond etc headers :D ?
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I would love to see all of those, Babylon 5, X-Files, Forbidden Planet, Metropolis, Buck Rogers, Last Starfighter, Twilight Zone, Krull, Willow, Neverending Story, King Kong, Silent Running, Alien Nation, The Black Hole, Lost in Space, They Live, Logan's Run, Commando Cody, Planet of the Apes, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Flash Gordon, Destination Moon, Batman('66, '89, TAS), Superman (George Reeves, Christopher Reeve, Brandon Routh, hell, even Dean Cain), Explorers, MST3K, Classic Doctor Who.....I could go on and on!

What about horror? Classic Universal, Hammer, all of the big 80s franchises like Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Evil Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, Hellraiser, Child's Play...

There's endless opportunity to add a little(okay, A LOT) more variety :lol
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