Guys, please be aware of the VCRB in the uk. (Violent Crime and Reduction Bill)
In a nutshell, it is now a criminal offence to sell, import or manufacture a replica imitation firearm. To be able to do so, there are specific defences in the act to allow certain persons, eg registed airsofters, historical recreaters etc to get what they need.
All guns able to be bought without falling under this act have to be of certain bright colours, and over 50% of the body be of this colour. This includes airsoft guns, cap pistols, water pistols etc. They are then classified as an imitation firearm. Painting, or otherwise, an imitation firearm to make it resemble a real firearm (eg kryloning black) turns it into a realistic imitation firearm, and hence the person commits an offence under the VRCB.
Theres a good info thread on the RPF about the bill.
Now im not suggesting for a moment a squad of pre-crime officers are about to burst through your door, in fact, it seems most UK police are either unaware or do not enforce the new bill (HMC+E are very much on the ball however) but its well worth being advised of the situation now in the UK.
Its all still very much hit and miss (for example, the Hellboy Samaritan is apparently ok, but the GOW lancer seems not to be - both are made up weapons) but at least it might be of some help.