There were three different versions of the discs for the film:
1. Version one were soft foam Whamo frisbees. These were painted in white by hand, and had either paper, or vinyl center rings glued to cover the Whamo logo. Some of the paper center rings covered the entire top of the disc, while some were only just enough to cover the logo. These had 3 velcro strips glued to the rear for attachement to the actors unitard. This disk used black ribbon tape for the outer ring of the disc.
2. Version Two were hard plastic frisbee's which were also Whamo. They were used for throwing. These were painted in the same fashion, but had not paper, nor vinyl centers. All rings were painted.
3. Version three was a carved piece of foam that had solid backs with multiple pieces of velcro attached. It is believed that these types were used only by principle actors and for close-ups when the back of the character was shown. These discs all had vinyl center rings, and were hand painted like all othe versions. The outter rings were also created using black ribbon tape.
Hope this helps. All info was gathered using Disney Archive info, and hands on inspection of various screen used/ production made discs.