Transformers - Frenzy Disc of Death Build - First one Complete!


Well-Known Member
My first build offering to this group is from Transformers - Frenzy's Discs of Death. Here are a couple screen caps from the movie, as well as a final render of what they will look like.




Just got the first machined parts (no plating or polishing yet) from the machine shop today. Awesome quality, I couldn't be more pleased!




And a quick video showing how the blades move...

Just have to polish the parts and get them anodized and assemlbled and they will be ready to start shipping. I will add pics as I get further along.


There are still a few slots left if you want one of these..
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Re: Transformers - Frenzy Disc of Death Build

Looks freakin' wickedly sweet :love I'm glad I jumped on this run. :love

Thanks for the update!
Re: Transformers - Frenzy Disc of Death Build

Not a fan of the movies (It's the G1 in me. =P), but damn that's impressive. I look forward to seeing the finished project. Good work!
Re: Transformers - Frenzy Disc of Death Build

Ok, I gotta admit, I thought the price was pretty high when when I glanced at your for sale thread, but I gotta say I'm super impressed with this final piece and think its well worth it now. Great work!
Re: Transformers - Frenzy Disc of Death Build

Ok, I gotta admit, I thought the price was pretty high when when I glanced at your for sale thread, but I gotta say I'm super impressed with this final piece and think its well worth it now. Great work!

Thanks! I can't wait to see them once I get them anodized. Does this mean that you want one now? :)
Re: Transformers - Frenzy Disc of Death Build

Another great update. Again I'm glad to be on this one. If I wasn't already over commited with another project I would buy two more.
Re: Transformers - Frenzy Disc of Death Build

That is NICE. I can't wait to get mine. It is super impressive!
Re: Transformers - Frenzy Disc of Death Build

Here is an update -

Just got the rest of the parts from the shop, all 10 units assembled. Get to spend the weekend preparing the parts for anodizing next week. Once the parts are back I will start collecting payments. Until then enjoy this pic!

Re: Transformers - Frenzy Disc of Death Build

OK. We are down to the last set. This set I will be offering at a discount ($100.00) as there is a small nick in the blades that occured when there was a glitch in the programming. This was the first set of blades run, and the problem was fixed on the remaining 9 sets.

Its a small cosmetic issue and not readily apparrent when looking at the prop. One could call it "Battle damaged". Just wanted to let you know why the last set has a lower price.

I hope to be wrapping these up next week, just depends on the anodizing turn-around. Thanks again guys for your interest in this prop!

Re: Transformers - Frenzy Disc of Death Build

Just an update...I seriously underestimated the time that it would take to prepare the blades for anodyzing! But they are now ready and I hope to get the metal finishers tomorrow. So hopefully an update with pretty pictures by the end of week. Once I get the blades back and units assembled I will be taking payments. Until then stay tuned!
Re: Transformers - Frenzy Disc of Death Build

Allright, here is the first one assembled. This is the "battle-damaged" one - only because of the nick on the blades. I will be contacting each of you as I get them assembled to discuss final price with shipping. I hope to get them all done by the end of next week, I still have to remove the black from the edges of the blades.

