Touch switches?


Sr Member
Ok, I don't know what they are technically called, but the kind of switch, where when you touch a point on an object, and the object does what it is supposed to do. (i.e. Without flipping a switch, or pushing a button, I simply place my figure, on a panel on say a lightsaber replica, and it lights up, or makes sound.)

It seam that by touching two plates, at the same time, each connected to wire leads, you're body completes the circuit, but there has to be more to it then that. Right? I mean, wouldn't you feel it, (i. e. get hot, or get zapped) if that were the case?

Anyway's, Can someone tell me how to make one of these, or where to find one of these?
I have an electronics magazine on how to build a lightsaber with one of these switches. It has the wiring diagrams and everything. However, the article was written in the late 90s, so the blade is a neon tube, but I'm sure the instructions can be esily modified to incorporate modern electronics.

I'll see if I can find it and get it scanned. If it's no good for instruction, at least it'll be a fun nostalic read for what you had to do to have a working lightsaber a decade ago.
Very cool links, I remember when I was doing a PKE build and the original had touch sensors but I had no clue how to build them
I've used a couple of products from QProx, and I'm an electronics neophyte. Great customer service [read: Patient]. Nice small and clean packages.

You can find the chips at Digikey.