Tin Man Central City Police


Sr Member
With the release of the Longcoat shoulder and lapel patches I was wondering if anyone knows if Wyatt Cains' Central City Police badge has been replicated.

It looks relatively simple if you have the necessary skills (sadly that lets me out:cry) I pulled a few screen grabs from the DVD to gauge size etc.




I wonder if there's enough interest in this for someone to make a run of these?

Many thanks to wackychimp for the image hosting.
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I've actually been in the process of making a US MARSHALL badge (I'm new to clay) which is pretty much the same as the CCPD badge but a little more detailed. If no one makes an attempt before me I'd be more than willing to dumb down a Marshal Badge and take a stab at it when I'm finished with my project.

I've actually been in the process of making a US MARSHALL badge (I'm new to clay) which is pretty much the same as the CCPD badge but a little more detailed. If no one makes an attempt before me I'd be more than willing to dumb down a Marshal Badge and take a stab at it when I'm finished with my project.


Cool thanks!

I notice my screen grabs have vanished....wonder why?
i'd love one too!
when you say "release of the patches", do you mean, they're for sale somewhere? or just the pics that were posted?

Zeppo, who's a user here, actually has a long coat and the patches.
Servo, who's also a member here and runs the website patchgeeks.com, posted this thread where he wanted to add some new patch designs to his site.

Zeppo posted his pictures (page 3, post #29 of the above thread) and Servo decided to make them.

They look to be great quality and a great price but I personally don't feel the lapel patch is the most accurate. Its' too wide.

Actual patches posted by Zeppo:


Patches from Patchgeeks:



And in case you want to pick a set up...clicka dee pitcha -

Tin Man Oz Soldier Hero Patch

Tin Man Oz Soldier Lapel Patch

Thanks GQ. I agree the lapel patch seems wrong to me. I wonder if it might just be the photo and not the patch.
No, believe me as much as I wish it was the photo, it's not. It's still an awesome deal and seriously, who (besides us ;)) is going to notice. When I'm ready to pick up the patches, I will definitely be stopping at PatchGeeks...and now that I'm going to take a stab at the badge in the next few weeks, it just might be sooner than I thought.

Also just a heads up - in case anyone was planning on picking them up...

"Standard shipping time is normally 2-4 weeks."

Slow...but worth the wait.

I got bored today so I figured I'd give it a shot using regular clay. It was my first time using clay so be gentle. I'll be re-doing it in the next few days in sculpey with proper stamps for the letters.














It started to get real dry and chipped -


and then I dropped it -



No worries the sculpey one is going to be a lot better.

Hey! a good start, well until you dropped it:cry. Are you planning a run if there's enough interest?
No, believe me as much as I wish it was the photo, it's not. It's still an awesome deal and seriously, who (besides us ;)) is going to notice.


Oh well, there's me hoping it was a fault with the photo. But as you say who besides us would notice the difference. I'm still going to get a set:)
Just checking in to see if there's any news on the CCPD badge. I'm wondering if it might be worth an interest thread in the JY. Mainly to gauge interest and see if it's financially viable to do a run.

I'm assuming resin would be the way to go rather than subbing out to a metal caster. If and a big if have you any idea how many need to jump on board to cover the production costs?
