Tie fighter color


Sr Member
I have two questions. One is regarding the overall color of the tie fighter. I have read in threads from a search that Tamiya TS-32 Haze Gray in the cans is a dead-on match for the studio models (at least from ANH). So I got it and sprayed it on a spare part and it looks extremely gray, almost a match for light or dark ghost gray. The real thing looks so almost white to me. I tried Testors Model Master Canadian Voodoo gray, which is also mentioned as being close, and the two are so different, the voodoo gray being much lighter. Any comments?

The other question is about color call-outs on the Fine Molds 72nd scale tie fighter. This is for the hexagon area at the back of the ball and the detail area that is just behind the main glass up front. I don't know how to describe it, but the part that blocks most of your view when you look into the cockpit from the front of the ship. The call out is for number 40, but I can't figure that out. Any idea what color I should use?

Mike Todd
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The numbered call outs refer to a paint manufacturer's color numbers. I thought it was Gunze, but their #40 is flat base.

In the 1/48 X-Wing instructions, they say the paint numbers are for Mr. Color, but they give Tamiya numbers too.