Thor comic/movie armor help??


Well-Known Member
Basically, I need advice on how to replicate this plate armor used on Thor's arms from the comic and upcoming movie:


I don't want to just draw a grid on silver vinyl; I want each plate to reflect differently like it's shown to in the movie/books. Any ideas??

I figured the movie was sculpted and cast rubber. I was hoping for a simplier approach. It's not for a Thor replica suit, just one that uses the same type of armor so it just needs to get the similar effect across.
I'm sure you could find some tutorials out there on scale mail that would be more of a fit for your project. Just gotta weed through them to find the style you'd like.

I think I found a great solution: 1/2" flat nickel plated metal studs. The kind you find on belts in Hot Topic, but larger and flat, not a pyramid. I get 1000 for $80, which gives me a few hundred to spare if my estimations are correct.