They're remaking "Footloose"

Because Hollywood only believes in brand names and "established" ideas, and someone in an office in LA thinks it will make them money.

I'm quite sure the money thing is first on their mind though.

This is why they are turning board games into films too. It's pretty sickening, huh?
abut 10 years ago I saw the Broadway musical "footloose" based on the movie. What I found completely insane crazy and in overall WTF was that in the MUSICAL version the preacher has a song and dance number.
Because Hollywood only believes in brand names and "established" ideas, and someone in an office in LA thinks it will make them money.

I'm quite sure the money thing is first on their mind though.

This is why they are turning board games into films too. It's pretty sickening, huh?
Making money is the only reason "Hollywood" exists. Were you under the impression there is another purpose?
Maybe they can get Kevin Bacon to play the preacher?

That heard ages ago, Dennis Quaid, is playing Rev. Shaw Moore.. Kenny Wormald is playing Ren as I believe Zac Efron turned the role down cause he was sick of being cast in the same thing..
I hope they keep the same name so I can identify it and not accidentally find myself in the theater watching it thinking it's something else. That would cause a stroke.
"Relaxed Lower Appendage" I heard it couldn't stand up to the competition at the box office.
Oh thank god! I can't wait for this!!! I hope there is a lot of really femanine heterosexual dancing in this one! Maybe Justin Beiber will play Rhen!
