The Walking Dead Season 4

It's the girl. Killing/torturing/pinning animals is a classic indicator of sociopathy. Remember Peter Wiggin?

Yeah, the way Lizzie was playing around with foot and the blood in that jail cell, she sure seems like a little psycho in the making

Plus the name "Lizzie" make me think of Lizzie Borden
on the dead what did the girls do with the baby then , if they took her to the bus the adults are not gonna let them leave again. if they hid her one of the kids would have stayed with her but you see them all again together , so it is still my theory there is an unknown/forgotten person In the prison the one nailing bloody things up for decoration, who has the baby , although I would love for carol to have him cuz her and caryl are the only one with a clue about how to survive. and the governor if he would give up on revenge. and he aint dead man im telling you that chick shot herself in front of him .

Does anyone have a way to translate that into readable English? I'd hate to think I am missing an important plot point because I can't comprehend what someone is writing. :unsure
your forgetting it is a t.v. show maybe his heart is in the middle like in ninja assassin . well it has to be cuz he should have been dead already like you say.
or the lady could have shot a zombie and saved the governor. but I think that will be the twist she shot herself over the death of her daughter, and the fact that she is alone in a field o the dead. and seriously how many times has someone been wounded and surrounded and make it out alive and then how many people die when it looks safe like the little girl who inadvertently dug up an apparent flood victim.
Does anyone have a way to translate that into readable English? I'd hate to think I am missing an important plot point because I can't comprehend what someone is writing. :unsure

O.K. try this what did the girls do with the baby if they have it? simple enough?
To add to the whole range debate, in the Marine Corps we're taught to shoot out to 500 yards with an M16 and we start at 200 so a human sized target at 50 should be pretty easy for any decent shot and it's been shown that pretty much everybody in Rick's group is a crack shot being able to get head shots with a pistol while running. It's also rather surprising that no one thought of shooting the two exposed tankers at the beginning of the firefight, esp. considering that most people don't know that normally there are 3 people in the turret since the gunner is the only crew member without a hatch of his own but there were probably only 3 people total in the tank since they weren't fighting other tanks allowing the VC to act as loader. But that's Hollywood for you, 100 yards is, for some reason, is long range for most people and people, esp. the media, seem to always be impressed by the ability to shoot out to 100 yards with a rifle even though for any Marine that's very short range. They also have a habit of overlooking the obvious solutions to problems but I cut them some slack in this area because sometimes doing the obvious/easiest thing means no story.
hey man I didn't start it . and every time I try to finish it. someone new pops up . I do love how the few people who have agreed with me on a lot of the points have real world experience working and training others . and the ones who are having fits seem to be housewife's or something .

I was a bit sarcastic with the you may have heard of equal and opposite reaction. but other than that I simply explained my position . and answer people back using a mirror .

especially when I get conflicting story from the same person i.e. darkside told me by removing "key" component's I am worse off than I thought , then a few post later is of the opinion that the compensator only helps in rapid fire . then it is not "key" and why do we even have in in our semi-auto rifles?????
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Also, Daryl had an AR style rifle with (if memory serves) a trijicon 3x red dot optic for most of the tank invasion. No excuses. Just poor writing.

Daryl had an EOtech holographic red dot sight (not, sadly, the XPS2 Zombie Stopper). No magnification.

annanake, you may be the smartest, most knowledgable guy in the world, but when you walk into a party where you don't know anybody and start strutting around unloading endless diatribes on the other guests, you make yourself a target. Also not very popular. Just an observation.
Annanake, I asked you very politely to complete ONE very simple task. It's not that difficult. It really just isn't.

But your response did the exact opposite of what I asked. Am I being unreasonable? Be the bigger man, dude. Maybe people say things you don't agree with- take the high road.

All I'm asking is that you don't keep posting things just to keep the arguments going. I'm doing my best to not be a gigantic butthole, here, dude.
Daryl had an EOtech holographic red dot sight (not, sadly, the XPS2 Zombie Stopper). No magnification.

annanake, you may be the smartest, most knowledgable guy in the world, but when you walk into a party where you don't know anybody and start strutting around unloading endless diatribes on the other guests, you make yourself a target. Also not very popular. Just an observation.

We have seen the type before here. Burst in, acting like they know it all, rub people the wrong way, end up trolling numerous threads just looking to flame a fight or argue to prove they know it all, and ultimately end up pushing something too far and end up hit with the ban hammer. It is funny that you can spot the type of personality a mile away, that just doesn't mix well and ends up chopped for the site.

My suggestion, slow your roll. Get to know the people and flow here, and be polite or you too will end up going that direction. Like I stated before .... We have seen your type before AND we watched them self -destruct.
No likely. Tyreese hasn't known the truth from Rick.
A "wacky" theory...but what if Carol had been hanging around the prison and when things went South she found a way in, grabbed the baby and drove off in the bus? That could be her ticket back into the group

A more likely scenario though is the Lizzie or Beth grabbed her, and possibly was the one who drove the bus away
o.k. so let me get this strait . I am not allowed to comment back to people when they tell me stupid s*@t .

I am in charge of being the bigger person .

while everyone else can be completely unreasonable to me.

MFP 2020 i understand but if i walk into a party and said i drove here in a my truck a (suburban) and i get better gas mileage now because i changed the style of tire i use . and am told suburban's not a truck its an SUV and the tires mean nothing to gas mileage. i will tell them i agree technically its an suv not a truck but who cares what i call it, and yes the tires affect gas mileage depending on types of tread and give a few examples of tire treads .

i am strutting around.

o.k. got it .
We have seen the type before here. Burst in, acting like they know it all, rub people the wrong way, end up trolling numerous threads just looking to flame a fight or argue to prove they know it all, and ultimately end up pushing something too far and end up hit with the ban hammer. It is funny that you can spot the type of personality a mile away, that just doesn't mix well and ends up chopped for the site.

My suggestion, slow your roll. Get to know the people and flow here, and be polite or you too will end up going that direction. Like I stated before .... We have seen your type before AND we watched them self -destruct.

see what i mean . every time there's someone new . this started snowballing when 3 people had a fit that i call a magazine a clip people.

anyway fine . i have no opinions or facts and will leave only short sound bite posts .
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see what i mean . every time there's someone new . this started snowballing when 3 people had a fit that i call a magazine a clip people.
No... Say your peace, in maybe one post, then let it be done.
Then move on. Trust me, you need thick skin on this board or every time someone disagrees with you or your opinion will only turn bad.
That was just my advice to you so you don't get in trouble. Take it or leave it :lol
I agree with you on some of your points Annanake. But your posts come off as abrasive, fussy and cranky. So it's hard to back "that guy" up. Until l read these posts. l had never heard of anyone getting all bent about magazine v clip terminology. It reminds me of those people who correct spelling and grammar on internet posts. You have to ignore that crap or ya just end up digging yourself into a hole.
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