The SW:TOR Jedi Knight Project


Sr Member
For those of you who know me, when it comes to Star Wars I have only done one costume; Han Solo.

When Abby decided to do the Satele Shan costume from SW:TOR, I decided to put together a Jedi Knight. Fortunately I found a source for the armor, but the rest would be on me.


I originally planned for this to be a throw together costume, but apparently I can't really do that. It's usually all or nothing for me.

The first task was finding some good robe material, with the right weight. We found a wool that we liked a lot. Abby has been working on the robe and it's almost done. This pic was shortly after the sleeves were attached.
She plans to go back and change the hem stitching so it lays more flat


Aside from working on Ironman armor, I had never done a kit before, so this was a whole new learning experience. Originally I had planned on using glue, epoxy and fiberglass to join my parts and then I would fill the seams in with bondo, but... not enough time, so out came the rivets. I actually almost like this better.


When working on projects, it's always good to have something to keep you motivated


Got all the parts trimmed and primed


The armor in pics looks to be of a metal base, so I decided to use silver rub and buff as my based.


I used Oregano green for the color. With some fine steel wool I got this effect which I thought looked great


Stay tuned, more to come. It has to be done over the next couple of days to be ready for CVI

You can see more pics and project updates here:
Are you going all Ven Zallow, or generic Jedi Knight?


Saw this at CVI along with Abby's Satele! You guys looked great!:thumbsup

Thank you so much :)

Fox Creek Leather gloves, by chance?

Those are what I'm using for my TFU2 Rahm Kota.

~ Vonnor

No, I used Leather Gloves: Driving Gloves, Winter Gloves, Police Gloves; every kind of Leather Glove at Leather Gloves Online

You guys must have crept around like ninjas at CVI because I looked and never saw any pictures of this costume!

I only got to wear it once. Had some technical difficulties and ultimately had to retire it till I could repair it for D*C
So I have been meaning to post more pics:

I ended up making a belt out of leather for the cod piece


You can see it attached here:


The chest with the added rub and buff


And finished


Custom made pouch

I ended up using some Scotch Industrial Snap Lock for the shins



Abby working more on the robe


And the finished robe

You both looked awesome! I never saw any pics of those costumes other than the ones you guys posted. I'm surprised there weren't more posted.
You should flip it and do Sith next! :)
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