The Serenity Bridge Full Scale Build (Preliminary research and scaling mode)


So this will be a Big Damn Project. It will take a Big Damn Time and will need a Big Damn Space. But I've got Big Damn Motivation and Big Damn Patience. (And a Big Damn Barn to build it in, come summer.)

Here's how it is:
The plan is to build a full-scale, nearly screen accurate replica of Serenity's bridge...and make it a functional space, as well. Inspired by this guy and the fact that I need something big, interesting, and involved in order to not go crazy while working on my Master's thesis.

Phase One, which is now, is to put together my research and start sketching plans. Central to this step is figuring out the scale of things and identifying any parts and processes that I will need. This won't be overly visually exciting for y'all, but I'll be sharing as much as I can, with all the details I can provide.

Phase Two will be to build out the project in CAD and figure out exactly how to build the structural bits, as well as figuring out all the hidden stuff. The space is meant to be semi-functional in the end, not just for pretty. During this time, I will also begin sourcing the parts I identified during Step One.

Phase Three will be a physical miniature prototype, to figure out the order in which I want to build everything, where I will need to have movable access panels, and how it will all be wired up. Most likely, I'll need to build the whole thing in two modular halves, but this is where we'll see if this will all work.

Phase Four will be wood. Lots of wood. Luckily: carpentry and minor set-building experience. I'm sure things will go wrong. I'm sure it'll be frustrating fun.

Phase Five will be finishing (in the woodworking meaning of the term), getting everything painted and weathered and ready for installation of all the goodies.

Phase Six will be prettification, and Phase Seven functionalization. I don't want to think about these yet.

So, for now, I'm asking for the collective awesome knowledge of theRPF pointing me to good pre-existing sources for any and all information about Serenity's bridge. So far, I've compiled a large number of screen caps and a few on-set shots. Many will be good for details, but my Phase Zero here is collecting everything I can and organizing it into a compendium. I also will need to decide which version (there are three or four versions, depending on how you slice it) I am taking as my model.

The largest goal here is to figure out the base scale. My thought is that the floor panels would be a good place to start, as they're square and a standard size, but any suggestions would be great.

Also, any photos of the "lounge" area forward of the consoles would be extremely helpful. Any set visit sources would be, as well.

Yes, it's silly and an ENORMOUS project. I'm going to do it anyway.
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I think you'll have a better chance finishing this if you find someone to help, try checking local meets. After all, the original set wasen't built by one man.
I think you'll have a better chance finishing this if you find someone to help, try checking local meets. After all, the original set wasen't built by one man.
I agree. That's part of the reason I'm going slow at the beginning here, to build a full plan. I will have people to help me out when I get to the larger build stage and will probably try to get local prop builders to help me out, now and then, as well. During these planning and modeling stages, I hope to get help from the accuracy-enthused here, since we can easily trade digital info without needing to meet up.

Thanks! Any other tips and tricks you'd offer would be appreciated.
Coool, love that ship :)

I did some casting work for Sofaking01's cockpit for the full scale MF build. I am in the UK, but if you need a hand with moulding/casting greeblies and such for phase six, I'd be more than happy to help out ;)

And good luck with your masters :thumbsup
Coool, love that ship :)

I did some casting work for Sofaking01's cockpit for the full scale MF build. I am in the UK, but if you need a hand with moulding/casting greeblies and such for phase six, I'd be more than happy to help out ;)

And good luck with your masters :thumbsup
That would be great! I'll definitely be in contact when I get to that stage.
Well, here's what I have of the forward-cockpit section. This area looks very different on the theatrical ship so i'm assuming you want the TV version.

Hope it helps.

[18-31-00].JPG [18-34-39].JPG [18-37-59].JPG
Well, here's what I have of the forward-cockpit section. This area looks very different on the theatrical ship so i'm assuming you want the TV version.

Hope it helps.
Thanks much, Grey! If I'm not mistaken, those all three are the early TV versions, since later the grate had an opening shaped like the doors (as seen in "Objects in Space"). I am, like most of the builders here, of two minds as to which version to use. Were I building this as a combination replica / tiny house, I would have to go with the early TV version. According to the commentary, there were couches down there originally, but they never used that space in the episodes we got. The movie version forgoes the grate and brings the floor up and fills it with cargo.

This gives a shot facing to the lesser seen port side of the bridge:

Here you can see the grate change (how did Zoe get over there?):

Here's the movie version:

And here's some incredible photos of the stairs down into the nose:
4278808128_c09e0f2024_o.jpg 4278059939_7a1a8f5fc4_o.jpg

On a side note, does anyone recognize this keyboard? They're everywhere:

(Most of these found in this very helpful Flickr set: )
You need to visit!

Mike J. just PM'd me with the same link. Their organization is a little strange, so I'm not sure where I'd put this just yet, but I'm glad to find a Firefly site that's still alive. Thanks!
Mike J. just PM'd me with the same link.
Their organization is a little strange, so I'm not sure where I'd put this just yet, but I'm glad to find a Firefly site that's still alive.

I'd suggest posting in recurring props, as we basically saw SERENITY in every episode.
Also, you have a lot of reading to do before you ask questions.
The guys there are great prop sleuths, and they have already identified a lot of what you will be looking for.
(For example, those stairs you referenced and the keyboard you asked about.)
For the most part, folks are really willing to help if it looks like you are willing to invest some effort on your own.

Good Luck,
My Firefly/Serenity Collection: