Well I spent some time trying to find out how many bullets Steve McQueen's Winchester carried! I did find a couple of sites that stated Josh Randell called his gun "Mare's Laig" because it kicked from both ends!
Then I came across this site...
They are called Eagle Squadron Products! On there site they sell several versions of this rifle, two that even fire live ammo. You have to pay a special fee because the barrel is under sized and there are a few states were it is illegal to own one that fires live rounds!
Theres pics of the guns and info, about buying! And then to my surprise about half way down is "John Wayne - American" and they have four Winchesters each with a different styled over-sized lever ring that he used in different movies!
Then last but not least is the Rifleman himself Chuck Connors and his Rifle!
Man I tell ya IF I ever won a lottery or something Canadian Customs would go nuts! In case I forgot to mention the Winchester lever action rifle has always been my number one favorite rifle! So to find replicas of them as they were used by my favorite TV stars and not one but 4 different versions used by JOHN WAYNE! I am honestly speechless!
I truly wish that when my parents brought us kids over from England that we had landed in the USA! I can't find a toy gun over here and there you can buy a fully functional replica of a JW Winchester and go shot gofers!
By the way I was exaggerating about finding a toy gun over here! You can BUT if you want to buy it you need a permit, a license, six waivers, permission from a local judge and six months of counseling with a priest!
I'm going to have a good cry now, so enjoy the site, Petseal