The Phantom Menace Re-Release May 2024

We can't pretend that the hate for actors like Hayden, Jake, & Ahmed is some sort of ancient history. As mentioned, Kelly Tran had some disgusting things said about her here during the ST. Folks hate on Daisy Ridley for doing the best she could with what she was given.

I mean, there's an active thread RIGHT NOW, bitching about the CHILD ACTORS in SW. Between that thread & the one where everyone decides what that want to acknowledge as their "Head Canon", regardless of what the creators presented, just shows how self absorbed, petty, & generally douchey people can be.

There's never been anything presented on a page or a screen as entertainment that's ever made me want to compromise who I am as a person to rant & rave against the creators, but then again, I don't think those folks are compromising who they are... They're revealing it.

I just know that I've not been a HUGE fan of EVERYTHING SW has presented over the last several years. I've enjoyed a lot of it, rewatched several things, & just said "OK" to others & moved on. The one thing I can say, after all that, whether it was JJ Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy, Rian Johnson, Disney, LucasFilm, or George Almighty himself, it's the people I try to enjoy SW WITH, that have done more to 'ruin' it for me than any 'creator'.
Just found this video that compares the 4 different cuts of the pod race. I didn't even know Disney + further cut it a bit, and probably the version that was just in theaters.
I wonder how they got a digital 1999 theater cut of the film for this. Unless that was just a really good copy of the original VHS tape that they digitized.
Just found this video that compares the 4 different cuts of the pod race. I didn't even know Disney + further cut it a bit, and probably the version that was just in theaters.
I wonder how they got a digital 1999 theater cut of the film for this. Unless that was just a really good copy of the original VHS tape that they digitized.
As I recall the Disney+/4k version is the same as the 3D release from 2012.

Which is crazy to think. Because George had just tinkered with everything in the 2011 Blu-ray releases. And then turned around and did again, right away.
As far as I know yeah the VHS is the only released version of the theatrical cut. I did not realize how drastic the color grading changes were since the DVD version, wow.
theatrical also on laserdisc.
I always forget about laser disc. I didn't even know Phantom Menace was on the format.
I have a bunch of the videodisc that come in a cartridge type case, before laserdisc officially came out. My brother and I had found them in a dumpster long ago and took them, as we thought they were cool. Don't have a player. I have a few left under the bed. I'd have to look at what movies, as I don't remember. Maybe worth something?
Its actually kinda cool at how many different formats there has been for media over the years.
I was also reading something earlier that was cool, and one of those things I never thought of.
Darth Maul was trained by Palpatine in a very particular way to help him achieve his ultimate plan to get into the whole political system, which keeps Palpatine hidden as the master Sith lord, and a main reason Maul had a double bladed saber, so if a Jedi Master and his padawan came snooping around, he could take them both on. But, when fighting only one Jedi, like Qui-gon while leaving Tatooine, he only needed the one blade.
A cool thought to think of.
I suppose all the books and comics have further expanded on this, but I've just never read any of that.
I have a bunch of the videodisc that come in a cartridge type case, before laserdisc officially came out.
RCA Selectavision CEDs (Capacitance Electronic Disc). You might be able to find happy homes for them, as there are collectors of everything, but they aren't worth much.
RCA Selectavision CEDs (Capacitance Electronic Disc). You might be able to find happy homes for them, as there are collectors of everything, but they aren't worth much.
Decided to pull them out and look. Not a ton, but still, kinda cool.
I had forgotten that Home Alone was an actual laser disc, and even though part of the plastic has ripped, its actually not opened. Wonder if that would be worth anything? I'll have to check.

I just hope this doesn't restart the whole snowflake butthurtedness that we had to suffer through last time. It has suck in it and it has awesomeness as well. If they can keep clipping the podrace then they can clip out some of the more commonly disliked scenes. We tossed canon long ago so let's see some major changes to 1 through 3. Han shot first until he didn't so how about JarJar gets some battle skill to match his backstory. You can't be known by the king and all the generals just because you're the town clutz. That part never made any sense at all. Heck, your neighbors wouldn't even know you, let alone the king. Instead of accidentally releasing all the explosive glowing spheres, do it on purpose after the catapult is destroyed. Make him look risky but not ludicrously lucky and stupid. But keep the awesomeness, Maul's real life athletic skill, the amazing ships, even Anakin's innocence and his interactions with adults. I have known plenty of kids that talked just like him. He did a great job. He plays the part of a savant who doesn't have much to compare himself to so he just plows through like any healthy personality would at that age. Drop the blood sampler, replace it with "I sense great power, on a level equal to Master Yoda." and just let it ride. Just because one generation saw it in 1 through 6 and therefore worships 1 through 3 instead of 4 through 6, it doesn't mean 1 through 3 are now impervious to canon manipulation while the rest go under the scalpel. Heck, Mandolorian successfully injected canon where it hadn't existed. Minus the ridiculous coincidental luck good and bad, it would be a much more enjoyable film. It would only take a few well thought out deletions. Since none of that will happen, I will go and enjoy the film, giving a standing (in theatre) ovation when JarJar nearly melts his own face with high voltage direct current. Oh and speaking of changes, the real world needs this one: Char Jar Binks, the USB fast "char-ger" that consists of JarJar's head plugged into the wall and his mouth is the USB or other charging port. The advertisement would consist of him in the pod race with the cord attacking his face. The actual charger would of course show him in the same electrocuted posture with char marks on his lips. CharJar Binks, available in stores in late 2024...... and ya, the whole backlash over "this will cause children to lick electrical cords" will be just as ludicrous as jarjar winning the war with his falling down. Thus is life, please no one any of the time and no one goes away with more than they expected. I might even cosplay as quigon so when I stand up clapping at jarjar's pain, it can be really awkward.
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Been going through the internet archive for some or TPM Nosberries....

anyone remember winamp?

or these fancy win98 desktop themes?

My wife and I watched AOTC last night and both agreed it just wasn’t as good as TPM, and by far has the weakest opening scene of any Star Wars film. I think the unnecessary CGI is really apparent in this film too. From the Jedi Temple sets to the Clones, the quality is poorer and more apparent compared to TPM.
Went to the theater this afternoon. I believe there were 4 people in the theater including me, but that’s preferable to my ROTJ anniversary experience (guy next to me alternating between being on his phone blinding me, and reciting lines to his girlfriend 5 seconds ahead of the movie. Ugh.)

I still think most of Jar Jar’s issues would be solved if all his dialogue was just replaced with some alien language instead of English. Kinda want to try splicing some dubbed non-english version in for his scenes to see how it would work.
Yes, that’s exactly how it feels.

I think one issue is also his culture. It DOESN’T behave like that. Sure Boss Nass is a bit eccentric as well, but Captain Tarpals seems pretty hard nosed. The other Gungans don’t seem to be goofy either, especially during battle. So looking at Jar Jar, I can’t even use his culture or species as an excuse for his behavior.

For editing, I think you could probably keep Quigon saving him, all of the Ota Gunga sequence, and pretty much everything up to arriving at Watto’s. Cut out his messing with the pit droid and juggling the stuff in the shop. Cut him getting stuck in the energy beam. Cut him getting farted on by the Eopi. Cut the tongue grabbing food stuff in Anakin’s house. He’s fine on Coruscant and once they get back to Naboo, I think. Dub his lines into an alien language and sub him some more intelligent sounding dialogue and I think he works at least 75% better as a side character. He could even still have some sarcastic lines or something, but then at least they’d be understood…
For editing, I think you could probably keep Quigon saving him, all of the Ota Gunga sequence, and pretty much everything up to arriving at Watto’s. Cut out his messing with the pit droid and juggling the stuff in the shop. Cut him getting stuck in the energy beam. Cut him getting farted on by the Eopi. Cut the tongue grabbing food stuff in Anakin’s house. He’s fine on Coruscant and once they get back to Naboo, I think. Dub his lines into an alien language and sub him some more intelligent sounding dialogue and I think he works at least 75% better as a side character. He could even still have some sarcastic lines or something, but then at least they’d be understood…

It does crack me up that the prescriptive advice given to “cure Jar Jar” is to either cut most of his scenes or find a way to, more or less, shut him up (dub his voice with some incomprehensible alien “gibberish”, for example).
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