The Obi ANH Transistors--found? Yes? No?


Master Member
None of the text matches at all so I would say the transistors are far from identified.

Edit - was looking at Roman's in the other thread. ATL's do have some matching text "MA", but the logo still doesn't match.
Older Motorola logo maybe? Another manufacturer with the same numbers?

I'll add a photo in a few minutes.
I'm not too sure about mine. They were the ones found at Radio Shack about 3-4 years ago. They were the right size and had some text on top, but ATL's look closer as far as the "M" goes.

Here's a comparison pic of ATL's transistors with the originals.


EDIT - Notice the transistor on the right. Two things: the "M" is thicker and angled.

The original seems to be either angled (opposite direction of ATL's) OR a thicker "M" missing a "leg". If the original is angled, it's very possible that the "M" have been printed many different ways over the years.

AND with the smaller MA matching... I dunno... Looks like these might be the right ones.

1. Far left is a letter used on Master Cards - seems like it might be some Greek or Latin letter variation used to shorten "MC", like there is for "AE". Anyway I think it looks like the top letter on the transistors.

2. Real prop transistor (both look the same although the second one seems to have been printed lighter and off center.

3 and 4. ATL's transistors While they do have the "MA" the logo doesn't match. The real prop transistors
have four lines. There should definitely be a line between the logo and the MA text (or the correct logo takes two lines).

holy crap.

they deffinately look the same dimensions etc.

id say these are not something youll be able to get off the shelf, maybe out of an old TV or even older... an old radio...

man if you guys find the exact ones...

well then... thats it huh?



serafino, roman... what will you do after these are found??? :p

im so glad i joined the RPF when i did. untill then i never much cared for the Obi saber, now id say its my second favorite of the OT. lukes is still my favorite.

but god you have to respect the random pieces of worldly junk/treasuers that make this little piece of art what it is.

frickin jet parts, machine gun parts, graflex flash clamp, grenade.... and of course a british trailer sink knob for good measure. :lol

and... some sort of transistors....

heck, maybe you guys should just leave it a mystery... :unsure

NAH. :love

im going to go take apart all of my late grandfathers electronic stuff now... B)
ATL's transistor with a little blur and noise.


I think ATL's is almost correct. I'm sure they had variances with the way the type was laid out. It could also be a different model number.

The MA and the part of the logo look right. I think the logo wasn't completely there on the original. It seems to far off center to the left to be the complete logo.

<div class='quotetop'>(oldken @ Jul 25 2006, 08:45 PM) [snapback]1287675[/snapback]</div>
serafino, roman... what will you do after these are found??? :p

I'll make some out of aluminum.

Serafino will probably find an original and make them out of steel. Then he'll find out what kind of ink was used to make the original logo and use the same ink as well. Then he'll cut one open and label each and every part. Then he'll find the original material for every part. Then he'll make every part and stick it inside the transistor. Then he'll seal the bottom the same way the originals were sealed.

Then someone out there will buy a set of mine and a set of Serafino's... drop them... pick them up... and not know which is which.


EDIT - Just kidding, Andres. I'll definitely pick up a balance pipe if you make it out of the original material. :)
you know thats funny...

but it IS probably exactly going to happen that way... LOL...

i mean, once all the parts are identified and exact copies are made... what next?

is there any prop that you guys might focus on after all has been found and perfected with the obi saber?
The part number begins with "MA" and looks to me like it is followed by two digits?
Would any other manufacturer other than Motorola have part numbers that begin with "MA"?
(In response to Roman's post)
Well there's a good option. Either buy a cheaper part that's simply machined in cheaper aluminum for a display saber, or pay a LOT more for a part that's made in the same way it was 30+ yrs. ago not only in more expensive steel, but with all the electronic stuff in it that NO ONE will ever see but you get a more "authentic" (it's still a replica) part. I'm not calling Roman cheap since he makes some AWESOME parts, just cheaper than those who sell expensive parts in the EXACT SAME manner they were made when our parents (and grandparents) were kids.

Of course it would suck if you couldn't tell between the two and you have Serafino's and your buddy has Roman's and you drop them and you end up taking the WRONG ones with you.

Just my 2 cents.
<div class='quotetop'>(franz bolo @ Jul 25 2006, 03:30 PM) [snapback]1287661[/snapback]</div>
If you flip the logos and compare it to ATL's, they look pretty damn close.



As I re-read it, I think my post was a bit vague. I mean that the Motorola "M" Looks real similar to ATL's after I flipped his image. It has the same angles on the "M" :love


Also, could there be silver tape on the transistor? Wasn't there a theory about silver tape on the clamp?

That would explain the missing text.

<div class='quotetop'>(Sith Sheriff Brody @ Jul 25 2006, 03:53 PM) [snapback]1287686[/snapback]</div>


I'm thinking along the same line. What if this isn't 4 lines, but a big logo that takes two lines and two lines of text below that? Perhaps it's an "N" with a subscript 2 or a non-alphanumeric symbol?
<div class='quotetop'>(franz bolo @ Jul 25 2006, 09:27 PM) [snapback]1287718[/snapback]</div>
Also, could there be silver tape on the transistor? Wasn't there a theory about silver tape on the clamp?

That would explain the missing text.


There was a brief theory about tape on the clamp, however, it didn't turn out to hold any water.
First, we can see the GRAFLEX letters on the clamp.
Second, the chrome on other original clamps flakes off resulting in a very similar pattern as seen on the original prop clamp.

So in the end, tape was used to replicate the flaking effect, but that was about it.

Besides, the lettering on the transistors looks faded, not "sharply" covered. Just like the tape theory, we were able to see a clear and jagged line on the clamp. We don't see that on the transistors. At least I don't.
<div class='quotetop'>(Sith Sheriff Brody @ Jul 25 2006, 03:53 PM) [snapback]1287686[/snapback]</div>
Could the MC / MA / M logo be NEC's old logo?


The stuff I've seen from NEC had a diamond shape around it.


I found one with that logo.. I wonder what year that logo is from.
Seth–speak for yourself. The differences are not invisible or academic. You might not notice, but the point is that I, and those who have supported my projects despite the frustrations involved, would. The fact that I do notice is what’s been driving me to go after these issues the way I have. Some people want accuracy or ‘authenticity’ because of the idea of the thing. I want it because I see differences “too” well, to a degree which most people don’t. Count yourself lucky that certain levels of detail just bounce of your mind like a bullet off Superman’s eye–you’re not alone, and you’ll probably live longer. :)

OldKen–To tell the truth, when this project is well and truly done I will dance the grand dance of freedom and be done with the prop world except as a kibbitzer. I am a sort of monopropist you might say. :lol
The original looks like it has been dented in the pic -- couldn't that account for some distortion?
Serafino-- I'm sorry if I offended you, it just doesn't make sense to me that people would pay extra for a replica with the inner guts that the original parts had if those guts cant be seen by the buyer or others. I just think Roman's is a great guy to buy from if you just want an Obi ANH saber that's 100% accurate on the outside and don't want to pay more for little things like transistor electronics or grenade detonation mechanisms that can't even be seen when the parts are assembled. I know there are folks who buy your stuff and I respect their choices to buy from you, and I respect you for taking time out of your day to give the hardcore prop fans the super accurate parts they want. It's just I'm on a MUCH tighter budget than most of you and Romans seems like the better buy to me.

Again, I'm sorry for any offenses I made with that last post or this one.
<div class='quotetop'>(JunkSabers1138 @ Jul 25 2006, 11:02 PM) [snapback]1287805[/snapback]</div>
I just think Roman's is a great guy to buy from if you don't want to pay more for little things like transistor electronics that can't even be seen when the parts are assembled.[/b]

While Roman's saber IS a great buy, these things are on the outside bud. :)