The Mandalorian rifle


Active Member
So I know we will begin to see plenty of these threads pop up as the show goes on. Forgive me if there was one out there for the rifle already, I missed it if there is.

I want to make a scratch build of the rifle. I have seen some decent refence photos floating around. My questions is about the sizing. I do not know if they have any official specs out there yet to get a length at least. I know a lot of people will take a photo with the actor in it and compare it based on his height. But I feel like that would be a challenge on my part trying to get that accuracy down from specific angles. Any tips or advice for determining the scale of this so I can begin to make my templates? Now of course if there are already some good templates available, please send them my way.
I actually ran out yesterday to try to find that black series figure for scaling hah. Unfortunately it is sold out literally everywhere. So just gotta keep looking for good reference photos. Got the D23 ones for close up details, trying to figure out the length of the rifle first before I begin my templates.
I actually ran out yesterday to try to find that black series figure for scaling hah. Unfortunately it is sold out literally everywhere. So just gotta keep looking for good reference photos. Got the D23 ones for close up details, trying to figure out the length of the rifle first before I begin my templates.
I've tried SEVERAL times to get a non distorted view of the figure, but with his heel flat on the line, he's EXACTLY 6 in tall.

Hope that helps.
An easier way to scale is to look up Pedro Pascal's(?) height, add a little for boots and helmet, then go from there. There have been any number of scenes where you can see the rifle clearly on his back, so those would be good scenes for scaling once you've figured out Pedro's height.
Thanks for the photos. I found a gold mine of them over at dented helmet. I got the scale about where I am comfortable with and have cut out the stock. Now I am just trying to determine the thickness. Since there really aren't any top views of it in any of the reference photos out there. I know it tapers in spots, but I really want to figure out the width of where the stock meets the receiver because I am modeling for 3d prints section by section. And would like to go off the stock size for the rest of the rifle. It would be nice to figure out which historical rifles/muskets they used to create the prop and go off of that for reference.

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