The Last Exorcism (No Spoilers... yet)


Master Member
Just got back from it. It's in the vein of Blair Witch/Paranormal Activity/Cloverfield - so some folks aren't going to care for the documentary aspect to it.

I liked it. I liked it a lot. The lead actor (Cotton) reminded me of Mike Rowe - so much so, that at times I thought it was Mike Rowe and expected him to look at the camera and say "boy, exorcism's are a real dirty job."

Was well executed, I expect some folks to not like the ending. I hope the DVD or something might be able to tie up the loose ends.
It hadn't appealed to me, but I've seen 2 dozen exorcism movies, including many of the Italian versions. You're the first person I've heard say they enjoyed it. One friend told me the actress is good, but she didn't enjoy the storyline.
The reviews were mostly good - most tend to not like the ending.

I'm not much of a horror movie fan really. Sure I've enjoyed the slasher flicks when I was younger (Jason, Freddy and the like) but for the most part never was my thing. I've never even seen the 70s Exorcist film.
my wife an I saw it..felt verrrry bait & switch. the way it was marketed, and scenes of the girl doing & looking supernatural were not in the film.
it was o-kaaay, but I still feel very duped.
No depth to the storytelling, wafer thin character development, no engaging dialogue, crappy shaky-cam cinematography and no genuine scares = horrible for all the wrong reasons.

This film fails to inject real psychological suspense and terror, opting instead for superficial shock-tactics and a grindhouse marketing campaign, which promises much but delivers little.

To be fair, I recently rewatched 'The Exorcist' so watching 'The Last Exorcism' on the back of that was a bit like drinking cheap plonk from a mug after enjoying the finest wine from a crystal glass.

It may have marred my expectations slightly.
Im up in the air as to whether or not I liked it or not

I was kind of like this... the ending took a little out of me. But, in hindsight I really liked it. But, I'm an admitted fan of these types of films (Blair Witch, Cloverfield).

I thought the story telling through mock-documentary was pretty good. There's some character arcs that I thought were very well done (one in particular).

Still even with it's flaws, way better than Avatar :lol and one of the better movies I've seen this year.