The Holy Grail


Master Member
Hello there
This being my first topic here on RPF, I wanted to show my latest scratch build. This is my second Indiana jones indiana jones prop i made,
The first being the Golden idol

Check out here for more pictures and how-to

Well, back to the grail
I made it a few days ago during a few hours.
It consist of one half sphere (those big toys containers)
One piece of plastic pipe for the handle
Two piece of styrene plastic for the bottom

First i glues it all together with super glue and sanded it, then i added the shape with bondo.

More sanding

Painted it with primer then matt black

Mixed humbrol gold with gold powder and other colors to get the mix looking right.
I masked with Maskol (latex typ masking )
According to the book the real one is 11x11x15 cm mine is just 9x9x12cm



I have today painted the inside with clear satin cote mixed with Gold powder and it looks much better than this last picture.
Nice! Pick up some gold leafing and glue at a hobby store and gold leaf the inside of the cup. You may even want to redo the outside with a nice rust/clay spraypaint and put leafing over it as well!
That's cool as heck. I love it when I see a prop, & would have NO CLUE what it began as, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes... :thumbsup
Looks great! You should be proud..
Might have to try it myself.. just wish I had a local hobby store so I could get some sculpy or something without driving 2 hours to get to Michaels and 2 hours home again..