The collectibles?

I know I'm pretty new to this forum but a lot of prop makers know me in the Dallas area. I just wanted to say that I had a x-wing helmet and a snow trooper helmet all ordered. I was suppose to receive the x-wing helmet back in February and when I reached out to Mike directly he followed up with the vendor and saw the order filled just a few weeks prior to Celebration. As for my snow trooper helmet, I had to reach out to Nick after the site went down but Nick was very cordial and got me in touch with Don at Replica Forge who honored the commitment and has sent out my helmet. I apparently must be the exception because I had pleasant experiences with all three and my orders were honored. According to what Don told me, he is honoring the orders even though he did not get paid by Mike. I can't confirm or deny this but can speak for Don if this is the case that he's a stand up guy for doing this and I do appreciate it. I hope everyone else finds that their orders get honored.
...According to what Don told me, he is honoring the orders even though he did not get paid by Mike. I can't confirm or deny this but can speak for Don if this is the case that he's a stand up guy for doing this and I do appreciate it. I hope everyone else finds that their orders get honored.
I know he mentioned earlier in this thread that he did honor a few earlier on with the promise that they were still getting paid for them... but he never got paid. He now said he will only be honoring the ones they have been paid for. I am sure they cannot afford to eat the cost to do every outstanding order as they will lose too much money basically doing them for free. So I believe you might have fallen into the category of the lucky few early on.

I am sure Replica Forge will be able to clarify more about this.
I see nick has turned comments off all posts except one on the replica prop shop FB page.
This is clearly to monitor what’s being said on group, some comments where slipping through as to much to watch.
Any negative comments have been getting removed and I know some members have been banned for voicing their opinions.
It’s obvious that all comments are censored and the truth isn’t being shared to the customers and members.
We are honoring all Model builds that we got orders from Mike for. We have talked to many who had orders but we never heard about them. We can only help those who we got the order for, and the model for. We were shorted a TON of cash for the labor, but we will eat that.......

There were 4 Snow Trooper helmets we were to finish, we got paid for those, and honored those. We got paid to paint the interior and exterior of ATAT helmets. We did those in full. Mike was supposed to pay us to finish several, but we got screwed on that. So we only did a couple and we never got paid to even do those. So out that money also.

So at this point we are collecting information and when someone contacts us, we are figuring out if we were given the order by Mike. As a FYI vendors have been reaching out to me also, who got taken. Sad to know Mike screwed EVERYONE in this.... I hope he enjoyed his Disney resort trip he took last month, now I know how he funded it. One full week at Disney, at a Disney resort.... Said he had a blast.... Yeah, hope he did.

Neil Ward has asked me to tell everyone who had a Yavin Medal and or a Death Star door panel or Rancor pit door panel. He is the guy, however let him know if you ordered one to ensure Mike didnt abscond with that money also. As a note, Neil said it was okay for me to tell people this.
Not that it's of any particular importance, but I think I'm going to relegate myself to the build and project threads from now on. I hope like hell that everyone involved gets what's coming to them, good or bad. We need a little balance in the Force... And not the type of "balance" you get when Anakin's killing a room full of kids. I'm talking about end of ROTJ toss an emperor down a ventilation shaft and redeem yourself kinds of balance.
Also, Replica Forge.. Kudos to you, sir. In case any of those final RPS customers forgets to say it, thank you for going above and beyond.
Karma is gonna bite those who cheated and stole from those collectors. I can't imagine what an embarrassment Mike Herron is to his family, wife, kids. Cheating and making money from unsuspecting prop collectors and recasting other artists work. Pathetic!
I can't imagine what an embarrassment Mike Herron is to his family, wife, kids.
Well... he just took them for a week long Disney vacation and stayed on property at a Disney Resort for the week... so I am guessing his wife and kids are pretty happy with him for funding that trip. I am sure they didn't refuse to go and demand that he refund all the customers with the money for the trip.
Final words from business partner nick anzalone.
Replica prop shop fb closing 24th April


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Final words from business partner nick anzalone.
Replica prop shop fb closing 24th April
I like how he states that he has done nothing wrong, yet I have seen a bunch of screenshots of the conversations where he admits to knowing about recasting, and he comments on being complicit to buying items with the full intent on recasting the item.

Just another attempt at deflection IMHO...

He knew.
He was part of it.
He contributed to it.

But now hes trying to save grace, by putting it all on Mike H.

The truth is already out there.... no reason to try and mis-direct now.

I think hes more mad at Mike H not being his 'real' friend.. then any sort of recasting or thievery going on..
I think hes more mad at Mike H not being his 'real' friend.. then any sort of recasting or thievery going on..
Well I can see that... Mike left him holding the bag and having to keep answering a steady stream of constant questions, all the while Mike is took off on vacation and was living it up at a fancy resort and theme park, spending all the money he took. I am sure he didn't share any of that money with Nick. :lol:
Oh... yeah.... that is what I wrote above "all the while Mike took off on vacation and was living it up at a fancy resort and theme park, spending all the money he took."
No, you're misunderstanding me. When he closed Force Forum LAST TIME he took a vacation too. Like last year or whatever it was.

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