The Crow Reboot


Master Member
WTF!? Not only do I consider this amongst the elite of comic book movies (despite its differences with the source material - which I read as they came out and still own the original issues), but it's also a slap in the face of the family of Brandon Lee.

That said, I'm not some hardcore fan of the character or the movies that have followed. I just think this flick clicked and worked amazingly well... I don't think I saw any of the sequels (or TV show?) other than the second (which I remember being pretty bad).
I just read this on AICN and it mentions how the crow will not be a bird but something else or to that effect. WTF indeed, The Crow has been one of my favorite movies and it seems a movie can be rebooted every 5 years now in hollywood these days.

WTF!? Not only do I consider this amongst the elite of comic book movies (despite its differences with the source material - which I read as they came out and still own the original issues), but it's also a slap in the face of the family of Brandon Lee.

That said, I'm not some hardcore fan of the character or the movies that have followed. I just think this flick clicked and worked amazingly well... I don't think I saw any of the sequels (or TV show?) other than the second (which I remember being pretty bad).
lt would be a genuine sacrilege. :angry

I went to the premier where they showed what seemed to be a mish-mash of the directors cut and the final cut and then saw it 3 times in theaters opening weekend, followed by another 10 or so times in the following weeks. To say I loved that film back then is an understatement. To say they'd most likely F this re-boot up is another.
My 1st thought is they've maybe combined 'The Skull Cowboy' and the crow bird into one character. If that's the case, and they stick to the basic comic's theme's, plot points, and overtones it could be a good remake.

I'm a fan of the original film, but it ain't the comic. I was never able to get my hand's on a copy, I saw it when I was working summer camp staff and we had a weekend movie night party, but there was a student film made around the same time or just before Brandon's. IMO it blew the Hollywood version out of the water, it was the comic scene for scene but just low/bad budget effects. They even were even able to get a '72-74 'Cuda (round tail lights) and correct body style Thunderbird for the end chase.
Ooooh I hope it's as good as The Crow 2. A friend and I saw a preview of The Crow 2 about 6 months before it came out, and they were interviewing the Director, some British Twit, and we heard him say "This film will be lighter, yet Darker than the first one". We Immediately looked at each other and said "This is going to SUCK!!!" and it did. All I can say is encourage people you know to stay away, maybe if they take it in the ass enough times money-wise, Hollywood will learn and knock this crap off.
I remember that the making of the second movie was an outright slap in the face to the cast and crew of the first and James O'Barr as well and it came as a complete surprise to all involved as they had been promised that no sequel would be made out of respect for Brandon Lee's Death.
To my greater regret I actually watched the second and it was nothing but a tasteless "knock-off" of the first....
I so wish Hollywood would find their brains and try to hold onto them.
I just read this on AICN and it mentions how the crow will not be a bird but something else or to that effect. WTF indeed, The Crow has been one of my favorite movies and it seems a movie can be rebooted every 5 years now in hollywood these days.

WTF? If the Crow isn't a bird, what the **** is it? A dog? ***** mother ****ing ******.
Of all the remakes I've heard about, this is the one that really irks me. The Crow is a favorite movie of mine. With any luck this project will fail and never even come out.
This is old news, we've had threads on this; and as I said in the other ones, a remake isn't as bad at that ****ty TV show, which was a poor, poor knockoff of the The Crow.
Yeah, the first film is an absolutely amazing film - one of my all-time favorites. I never heard they had promised not to make sequels before. It probably was not the smartest thing to say even back then... no way the bean counters would let the franchise go with the success of the first movie. Though after the bombs of 2, 3 and 4, it's hard to understand why they still think they can improve on the first one.

The third movie wasn't completely horrible (just mostly horrible) though the fourth movie made up for any tiny positive elements in the previous movies by not even being on par with your average SyFy channel saturday movie like Mansquito.
Crow died for me after the first movie and then When I met James O'Barr in person. His 15 minutes of fame was ticking back then.
When he signed my "making of" book after the first movie came out, O'Barr flipped to a portrait of himself and scrawled over it "**** me and marry me young". Maybe he didn't like that photo of himself? At least he has that charming personality to fall back on... :lol
I liked the first one, but thought it could be better. I am fine with a remake.

I also don't agree that any type of remake is an insult to dead actors - That is to me, one of the more ridiculous suggestions I have heard.
30 minutes? I thought they were already working on a Thor Remake in 2013.

I'm iffy, I loved the original Crow, the sequels aren't THAT terrible. I'm not 100% against a remake, I'll probably watch it at least on DVD if not the theaters. Hopefully they include the Skull Cowboy character, the test shots of him in the original are a little rough but would have been cool to see.
The natural progression to me would be that the spirit of the Crow (the bird itself that represents the supernatural powers of righting wrongs done to the dead) would resurrect an entirely different person for another story totally different and unrelated to Draven.

So you can follow this crow from character to character, story to story.

I never saw anything after the horrible sequal which I have no memory of now anyways.
So I don't know if they did that later or not.

That is the only way I could see this working.

Otherwise, leave it alone. Probably better just to leave it alone anyways.