The Babadook pop up book

I loved that movie! It gave me total poopy-pants. :p Scariest movie since Sinister, which also caused me to load my shorts!
Looks like the books are delayed a bit, the original estimated delivery was mid-year.
I'm sure they'll be absolutely worth waiting for though. 7 new spreads created just for
this project, and a total of 23 with the ones made for the movie - it's gonna be awesome :)


Dear Baba-bookers, thanks for all your patience so far!
Here's an update on the book from our writer/director Jennifer Kent:

Hello again to all our faithful Babadook book buyers!

Firstly, thanks again for investing in our book. The book development
has been an involved but amazing process so far. And while it is quite
a challenge recreating the book(s) from the film to perfection, plus
adding new pages to the story, we are moving along nicely and it’s
time for another update.


The illustrations are now all finished! Our paper engineer Simon Arizpe
has engineered the original pages from the film so they are working
beautifully, and our artist Alex Juhasz has illustrated SEVEN NEW
DOUBLE POP UP SPREADS that look amazing. (That’s 14 new pages!)
These new pages, combined with new text elaborate on the story of the
Babadook, and are going to be a beautiful companion piece to the film.
We could not be happier, and you are going to own something very special.


Simon Arizpe, our paper engineer, is spending the rest of May constructing
the new pop ups. As you can imagine, this is not a quick exercise. He is
doing a wonderful job, and we want to make sure the mechanisms are
strong, long lasting and do the illustrations justice. It takes time.

Our illustrator Alex and I will be approving all of the mechanisms on every
page before they go to the printers. We’ll be checking colour and contrast
of pages and illustrations, text placement etc as well.


The book will hit the printers in June. We then have to do approvals of each
page in stages, to make sure they are perfect in every way. So it looks at this
stage like our books are now going to ship in the fall (or spring if you’re in the
southern hemisphere.) We apologise for the slight delay here, we have really
been working solidly to get the book to you and make sure it is as close to
the book(s) in the films as is humanly possible. We want you to have a special
item to own, something of the highest quality. So I hope you understand we
are really trying to get your book to you ASAP. Our focus is on getting this right.

INSIGHT, our printing company, are masters of the pop up book, and they will
do all they can to hasten the process. But this is a small run, a hand glued piece
of art, we do not want to skimp on quality. I ask you to be patient with us, your
book is most definitely on its way.

We’ll send you another update once we have word from our printer of how it’s
all going.

Thank you again for being a part of this book journey my fellow Babadookers.
The Babadook team appreciate your support so very much.

Warm regards,

Jen Kent (Babadook writer/director)
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They did a second chance offer a couple months ago but to my knowledge that was the last chance to order one. I'm sure they'll pop up on Ebay shortly after they're shipped out though.
Eagerly awaiting receiving them. Ordered three of em from the initial 2000 run. They should be shipping very soon!
Eagerly awaiting receiving them. Ordered three of em from the initial 2000 run. They should be shipping very soon!

But they won't. Didn't you get the update from them about the delay?
It also won't matter if you were one of the first to order it, there weren't 'runs' on this book
- They just extended the period in which you were able to order one. Every book is getting
made at the same time. So those ordering as late as april will get theirs the same time as you.
Only difference is that yours will be numbered.

The book will hit the printers in June. We then have to do approvals of each
page in stages, to make sure they are perfect in every way. So it looks at this
stage like our books are now going to ship in the fall (or spring if you’re in the
southern hemisphere.) We apologise for the slight delay here, we have really
been working solidly to get the book to you and make sure it is as close to
the book(s) in the films as is humanly possible. We want you to have a special
item to own, something of the highest quality. So I hope you understand we
are really trying to get your book to you ASAP. Our focus is on getting this right.

INSIGHT, our printing company, are masters of the pop up book, and they will
do all they can to hasten the process. But this is a small run, a hand glued piece
of art, we do not want to skimp on quality. I ask you to be patient with us, your
book is most definitely on its way.

We’ll send you another update once we have word from our printer of how it’s
all going.
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Yes - I check my email. The initial run was going to be 2000 to cover the costs, and that was it, but there was so much interest, they let it go for longer (the 12th of December iirc). I'm happy to have it numbered, as I purchased straight away when it went live. The fall isn't too far away, and on June 26th, Jennifer Kent stated that the books will be being printed in the next two weeks, which is about now.
I'm just so happy that I signed up for email-updates, and suddenly got a
link from the Babadook Team to get in on the extended run.

The movie got released on DVD/Blu-Ray here in Denmark in March this
year - only imported versions in selected stores though, and it never got
an official release in cinemas, sadly.

I hadn't heard of the movie back in the fall of 2014 - January 2015 when
the books were originally offered. So, it was extremely lucky that the team
offered more of them just a while after I had watched it.

Was so disappointed when I realised that I'd missed out - when I got that
link, I immediately ordered 2 books.

And for those asking for one: I would gladly help you if I had ordered
additional spares. But I want to keep one in perfect condition and the other
is going to be looked at, read, and used to scare friends. So unfortunately I
can't help. But let's see what happens after the release. They might release
more at one point, even if they're saying that this is limited to just this run.
Here's the latest update on the project, for those who haven't
yet signed up for the newsletter:

Dear Baba-bookers,

It's been a while since out last update in May,
and we thank you again for your patience.


All the new illustrations are finished now, and
our paper engineer Simon Arizpe is in the midst
of creating the pop up mechanisms for those pages.
This is a complex process. Every page has to be
built individually by hand, then artwork and pop
up mechanisms approved to make sure they are
long lasting and effective.

We are also dealing with distance challenges.
Our writer/director is in Australia, our illustrator
is in California and our paper engineer is in NY
so it’s taking a bit longer than anticipated to
Fedex each page back and forth and make sure
everyone agrees they are perfect.

Anything we can do to speed up the process we
are doing of course, but we just don't want to
compromise quality. We want you to own a book
that will take pride on your bookshelf for many
years to come.

Estimated shipment will be in the last quarter of 2015.
We know all this has taken a little longer than anticipated,
and we truly thank you for your patience and support.
It will be worth the wait.


Simon Arizpe (paper engineer) is in the final stages
of completing all the constructions for the new pop
up pages.

Jennifer Kent (writer/director) and Alex Juhasz
(illustrator) are approving each page as we go
before we release them to the printers - checking
for colour and contrast, durability, text placement,
pop up construction and so on.

We’re working towards having these final pages
completed by the end of the month, and then it's
off to the printers.

We'll have another update for you in August.
Until then, thank you again for being a part of
this book journey. We truly appreciate your support!

Warm regards,

The Babadook Team :)
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Yeah, hopefully before that. Would definitely be one of the best Christmas presents ever.

I have no problem waiting, it's awesome that they're taking their time, testing and going
through every single page before approval. It would be a shame to rush it.
But it's getting harder and harder to wait! :D
Just saw this movie and want one of these books so bad. Just signed up for the e-mail list. I hope I get a link for the extended run of this book too...
I understand that feeling. A very nice movie, and extremely cool prop. Unfortunately the last day to order one from the extended run was april 10th.
You may be extremely lucky that somebody cancels their order. But I know from their facebook page, that a lot have signed up for exactly that, so you'll be quite far back in line for one.
But finger's crossed. :cool
Latest update from writer/director Jennifer Kent:

Hello again to all our faithful book campaign supporters!

Thanks to you all for your patience on the book front.
We are off to the printers next Monday 7th September.

You can freely blame our delays on a combination of my
perfectionism, and Australia being so damn far away from
everything. Every page has had to be Fedexed back and
forth between our paper engineer (New York) and myself
(Australia), in some cases a number of times, to make sure
we have all the mechanisms working perfectly.

We've included several new pop up pages in the book too
(double spreads), and they’ve all had to be designed from
scratch and approved. But I’ve got to say, they are looking
beautiful, I’m very happy we included them. And I couldn’t
be happier with the book overall at this stage, it’s going to
be something special.

Next stop, publishing land!

Our publishers are called INSIGHT EDITIONS, you can check
them out in the link below.

Insight are responsible for the pop up books for Harry Potter
and Game Of Thrones, amongst other things. So quality will
be high on the publishing front. It’s well worth watching their
company video to get a sense of who they are (great people,
true artists.)

I’ll be back in touch with an update in about a month, once we
get a better idea of how things are traveling at Insight.

Please keep in mind that we have to go through another extensive
approval process with the printing. Myself, our illustrator and our
pop up book engineer will all have to see and check each and
every printed page for colour, contrast, pop up mechanisms etc.
I ask you to please be patient with this next stage. We will work
as quickly as we can, but we do all live in separate parts of the

Once that printing approval process is done, the pages will be
printed, and then each and every book (as promised) will be
hand glued.

Thanks again for all your patience and support. We are so
lucky to have such great Babadook fans. Especially considering
Mister Babadook himself is such an arsehole.

Warm regards,

Jennifer Kent (writer/director of Babadook)
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Mmm, I hope some of these books will be offered here for sale... Or maybe they commercialize the book and print them in larger quantities...

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