The Amazing Spider-Man (Post-release)

I always thought that was pretty self-explanatory in that the web is elastic. It's thrown out at force in a semi-fluid state and then naturally contracts to pull him up.
That's what I've always thought, too. We see it stretch quite a bit in several of the movies.
Can i just ask, does Garfield keep the mask on a good while? That really peeved me in the Raimi tripe.
There are few instances where he removes his mask momentarily but it isn't something that jeopardizes his secret identity to the people of NYC. Most of those unmasking scenes have been covered in the trailers.
Saw the movie last night, and I loved it. Andrew is a fantastic Peter Parker. His performance made me feel for him and go on the journey with him. Can't wait to see it again
The Amazing Spider-man ( SPOILERS THREAD )

Okay, just saw it, loved it, and although there weren't many things we could discuss......who was that guy at the end in the cell with Connors? I've been racking my brain trying to figure it out....maybe he isn't a major player at all in the sequel, but I digress. All I saw was grey hair and a hat.

Re: The Amazing Spider-man ( SPOILERS THREAD )

Personally I didn't walk out of the movie happy
It's beautiful but I had a few problems
There is one scene where Pete's backpack (containing his costume) magically appears.

This after (a day or more in movie time) we see he wears it under his street clothes.

Then later he walks into the police station
with the backpack and there was apparently no security search of his belongings at the station door?

Also I just can't accept Sally Field as Aunt May.
Flying Nun
Norma Rae
Smokey & the Bandit
Mrs. Doubtfire
Legally Blonde 2

Has to be Norman Osborne -- may even have been Dafoe.

Who else would have the political power to get into the jail?
I just got back from it and thought it was fantastic. It killed the Raimi films and looking back, made them look quite silly. Garfield and Stones chemistry is great and you really feel for them.

The web slinging and wall crawling was great, and they really emphasized that Spidey had to use his agility and webs to fight the lizard. They also made sure to expand on his use of the webbing. He used his webs for different attacks and techniques.

My only real gripe was not once was there a time where his webbing runs out and he throws in a new cartridge. They made sure to emphasize that it was the cartridges that gave him his webbing, and that they provide several hundred meters of web per fill, but I still would of liked to have seen him run out.

I thought the casting was perfect too, Martin Sheen and Sally Field were perfect as May and Ben.

I really liked how they emphasized that Spidey wasn't invincible. He was coming home covered in cuts and bruises, the lizard left giant gashes across his chest and hell, he gets shot. In Raimi's films, he gets a scratch on his arm and maybe his hair is singed. Even as a super hero, Spidey can still get his ass kicked

And also

i like how they have Peter and Flash ready to pummel eachother in the beginning, but that flash starts to warm up to Peter and that by the end of the film, you can see their relationship starting to begin like in the comics. Also flash's hero worship of spiderman shows up aswell
Re: The Amazing Spider-man ( SPOILERS THREAD )

Has to be Norman Osborne -- may even have been Dafoe.

Who else would have the political power to get into the jail?

I figured it was Osborn as well. The actor wasn't Dafoe, it was Michael Massee. He was listed in the credits as Man in Shadow or something to that effect. I recognized the voice quickly.

Overall I was pretty meh over the whole film, I didn't hate it but it didn't wow me either. The Raimi films had personality, I didn't feel that this film did. I did like that Osborn was an unseen presence, and that Gwen was reduced to kidnap fodder. That said the whole thing just didn't seem necessary. It feels like it exists just to keep the movie rights. The changes don't feel meaningful, they just feel like changes for the sake of being different.

The different version of Ben's death worked in context, but letting the thug go over two cents seemed exceptionally petty. Letting him go over however many hundreds were owed Peter for wrestling seems a bit easier to buy to me.

I felt the webbing being an Oscorp product was a good way to retain the shooters and sidestep the issue of a high school student developing crap 3M can't make. How he's going to get more without any connections in Oscorp and having no job is beyond me.

The first person sequences were useless. I felt either they needed to be longer so as to be worth the audience's time, or omitted all together.

Sally Field didn't work for me as Aunt May. I also didn't care for the jerkwad interpretation of Conners. The design of the lizard was terrible (though the lab coat moments were nice).
Re: The Amazing Spider-man ( SPOILERS THREAD )

I did like that Osborn was an unseen presence, and that Gwen was reduced to kidnap fodder.

Wait. Gwen being reduced to kidnap fodder was a good thing? Please tell me you meant "wasn't", because if it didn't, I'm skipping this flick.
I enjoyed it a lot. I liked how the story was relatively true to the origins we know, yet spun them in a way that didn't make the film a complete rehash of the Raimi film (even though certain parts inevitably felt similar due to the source material)

I know many reviews criticized the character development (for some reason), but those were the parts (aside from the awesome fight scenes) that drew me into the story the most. There was actual chemistry between Gwen and Pete... Peter's stupidly heroic act in the beginning that sparked Gwen's interest, their high-schoolesque awkward flirting... All of that felt much more believable than the Pete/MJ relationship in Raimi's film.

That being said, I loved what the filmmakers did with and how Garfield portrayed Peter/Spidey. His personality felt more true to the comics (more like the Ultimates version) and Peter himself felt more like a person who would choose to become a hero (awkward but brave and willing to sacrifice himself). I'm sure there will be constant debates as to who's the better Spidey for a long time coming.

And suited up? This is exactly how I've imagined Spider-Man moving. Quick and graceful, using his agility to make up for his lack of strength (although the WTF breaking of everything scenes right after he was bitten were hilarious). And honestly, the suit was pretty decent on screen. I'm SO glad there was the 15 second web search of purchasing costume materials. :thumbsup That's one of the only things I was praying for in the movie.

The Lizard design still doesn't work for me... Still looked too much like a goomba, and the close up shots made the CGI less than believable. They should have opted for just a LITTLE bit of snout to cover up the less than stellar facial animation... :cry

I could go on, but other people have covered pretty much everything. I know people are going to be "Ugh, another origin story" but origin stories are constantly reworked in the comics. Just think of Amazing as a revisioning like that. :)
Re: The Amazing Spider-man ( SPOILERS THREAD )

Wait. Gwen being reduced to kidnap fodder was a good thing? Please tell me you meant "wasn't", because if it didn't, I'm skipping this flick.

He definitely meant wasn't. No traditional end-of-film damsel in distress final battle. :thumbsup
Re: The Amazing Spider-man ( SPOILERS THREAD )

Wait. Gwen being reduced to kidnap fodder was a good thing? Please tell me you meant "wasn't", because if it didn't, I'm skipping this flick.
Yeah, she wasn't a kidnap victim like Mary Jane in the Raimi flicks - a complete lame Superman issue I had with those movies... I assume he meant "wasn't". .)
There are few instances where he removes his mask momentarily but it isn't something that jeopardizes his secret identity to the people of NYC. Most of those unmasking scenes have been covered in the trailers.

I disagree. Peter showed his face to the little boy he was saving in the car hanging off the bridge. The police was seriously trying to arrest spiderman so wouldn't they have the kid see a sketch artist to figure out the identity of spidey?

I didn't like the film. There was no chemistry between Peter and Gwen Stacy. The pace was off. Everything felt rushed. It seemed like they tried to avoid overlapping Raimis version so they rushed over scenes. Plus there were a few too many cheesy scenes.
It seemed like they tried to avoid overlapping Raimis version so they rushed over scenes.
Yeah, that's the problem you get when making a remake so close to another series. There are the key scenes that both will have to have... and they will inevitably be compared when basically treading the same ground. I felt they made a nice departure in the new one, showing Ben as the guy that Peter will eventually become and in part already was - the guy who doesn't shy away from doing the right thing, even though he's seriously outmatched.
I disagree. Peter showed his face to the little boy he was saving in the car hanging off the bridge. The police was seriously trying to arrest spiderman so wouldn't they have the kid see a sketch artist to figure out the identity of spidey?
Yeah that's what I was hinting at, as it was something that was shown in the trailer. But there is no way the kid nor his father would give away Peter's identity after what he did for them.

I didn't like the film. There was no chemistry between Peter and Gwen Stacy. The pace was off. Everything felt rushed.
The pacing was indeed off in the second half, but their chemistry is what I felt was one of the strongest qualities of the film.
Re: The Amazing Spider-man ( SPOILERS THREAD )

Wait. Gwen being reduced to kidnap fodder was a good thing? Please tell me you meant "wasn't", because if it didn't, I'm skipping this flick.

Yes, I mean wasn't. D'oh. She wasn't just window dressing to be kidnapped.
My guesses about the figure at the end.....I have only seen the movie once. Last night. So this was all just initial reaction from last night and my thoughts still make sense this morning.....

First guess: Mysterio

Now he could have just had a facelift for modern times. Instead of a green scaled suit w/a fishbowl head, he was given a look to rival Gambit's from Wolverine:Origins. (I swear, it looks just like Gambit from that movie) And also, there were multiple Myserio's. He could have the power to appear in prison and disappear just as easily. Or even more Mysterio like.....He was never there in the first place, just placed in Connors mind.

2: Electro

My reason behind this is because he appeared and disappeared as I stated, but both instances happened during flashes of lightning. It could have been coincidence, but it could have also been Electro traveling through the currents. And again, a facelift. I can't think of anyone who thought Electros green & yellow suit w/lightning bolts for a mask....was cool looking.

3: Norman Osbourne

For the simple fact of he is mentioned in the movie multiple a sickly figure. Maybe that is him. I may not be, it seems like the simple answer. Which is why I don't think it is, but it is the simplest answer.

I cannot think of any other shadowy figures short of Morbius, but I just cannot imagine that happening. It does fit the Monster type villain they have Spidey fighting, but just seems too far fetched for even a Spiderman movie. Someone on another board mentioned Morlun, but I really don't know enough about him to say one way or another.

But those three are my guesses.
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